Mount Fuji Weather in December

Season: Early winter

As it enters winter, the temperature goes down greatly around Mt. Fuji in December. On the hillside, the highest mean temperature is only 2℃ (35.6℉) or so, while the lowest mean temperature drops to -7℃ (19.4℉). It is also no much warmer under the mountain. In other words, Mount Fuji weather in December is really frigid, and it is relatively dry with less precipitation. There might be a few snows during December, and it would be heavier at the mountain foot. Keeping warm is absolutely crucial there, particularly when going up to the 5th Station, the highest point one can reach on Mt. Fuji in December.

Averages for Mount Fuji Weather in December

Temperature: -3°C / 26.6°F
High Temperature: 2°C / 35.6°F
Low Temperature: -7°C / 19.4°F
Humidity: 62%
Rainfall: 73 mm
Rainy Days: 4 days
Sunrise: 06:36 ~ 06:54
Sunset: 16:35 ~ 16:45

Note: These are the data of the 5th Station on hillside of Mount Fuji.

What to Wear on Mount Fuji in December

In cold December, it’s necessary to put on warm winter clothes, such as thermal shirt and trousers, sweater, padded overcoat, padded jacket, downcoat, padded trousers, winter pants, and boots. Warm hat, scarf and gloves are also essential.
Mount Fuji Clothes in December December Wear on Mount Fuji

Top Things to Do around Mount Fuji in December

Recommendation Rate: 

December is blessed with the great visibility to see Mt. Fuji. There are many spots good for photography of the mountain. Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine with old-timey architecture and holding activities frequently is popular to visit. Fuji-Q Highland is a thrilling place to appreciate Mt. Fuji on the hurtling roller coasters. To enjoy skiing, Fujiten Snow Resort and Fujiyama Snowtown Yeti are reputable under the mountain. After a cruise on Lake Ashi while seeing Mt. Fuji, Hakone onsen is the best to get relaxed. Gotemba is also a nice town to catch fine views of Mt. Fuji, under its southeastern foot.


1. As in the slack season, Mt. Fuji area is less crowded, so visitors may enjoy themselves at a leisurely pace. However, some shops may be closed, especially when New Year comes.

2. Warm clothes are the must to fight off coldness around Mt. Fuji during winter.
- Last updated on Apr. 17, 2023 by Nancy He -