Pig - Destiny by Birth Month

Best Birth Months for Pig

January, February, April, September, November

 Note: The Chinese zodiac horoscope prediction is based on the Chinese lunar calendar. Click to check your birth month in Chinese lunar calendar.

Born in January

People with Chinese zodiac Pig born in January are endowed with good luck. They can get help from kin and others, which help their career develop fast and smoothly and bring them lots of money. They are clever, knowledgeable and honest and can live a long life happily.

Born in February

Pig people born in February are very talented. If doing research, they may achieve great fame; if doing business, they may make big money, through which they can get respect from others. They are healthy, energetic, and nice, being the kind of people blessed by good luck.

Born in March

They can live a happy life after many hardships. About the personalities, they are clever, firm, energetic, healthy and knowledgeable, and have big life goals. However, lack of ancestral heritages and help from kin, they can only rely o themselves to obtain success in career. 

Born in April

People born in April in year of the Pig may live a glorious, rich, safe and happy life. They are wise, honest, talented and have big life goals, based on which they can have successful career. However, they are likely to have some unrealistic thoughts, so if they cannot be practical, their career cannot succeed either.

Born in May

Pig people born in May may live a hard and difficult early and middle life to set up their career; in late life, their career finally gets successful and they get good comments from others. They are weak and conservative in characteristic and lacking of creativity, so may miss many good chances. Being talented in art, they are very likely to make great achievements in this field. 

Born in June

People born in June in year of the Pig are very clever. If they work hard, they can succeed in either official circle, business field or art area. If they only want to play around and do not have a goal to achieve, their career will not succeed.

Born in July

They may live an abundant and happy life. With the help from parents and others, they may obtain a successful career. However, they may have a bad temper and be dictatorial; if the good luck does not bless them or they don’t change their ways of doing things, they cannot succeed either.

Born in August

Pig people born in this month may live a hard early life. But there is a great possibility for them to become successful and famous in middle age and live a rich and glorious life since after. They are smart and energetic, and have unique and farther sights than others.

Born in September

People with Chinese zodiac Pig born in September are good looking and sociable. They may live an abundant and care-free life even if they do not work hard. However, they’d better keep working out; otherwise they may be overweight, which can lead to high blood pressure.

Born in October

They may be born in a poor family and can only rely on their hard-working hands and clear minds for a living. Fortunately, they are honest and like to help others, and in return they may get help from others in career and get successful. They may get very rich in their late life.

Born in November

Their life as a whole is happy and carefree both in family and career. They are smart, nice, honest and respected by others. Also, their life path is safe without big dangers and disasters.

Born in December

Born in December, the life of Pig people may be full of both happiness and difficulties. They may inherit some from the ancestors, but get little help from parents and others, so can only rely on themselves in career. However, difficulties on the way to success may make them feel frustrated, even do harm to their health, so keep working out.


Further Reading on Chinese Zodiac Pig:

 Personality of the Pig

 Personality by Western Astrology Signs

 Personality by Blood Types

 Character and Fortune by Five Elements

- Last updated on Oct. 24, 2023 -
Questions & Answers on Pig - Destiny by Birth Month
Asked by Glad from USA | Oct. 23, 2023 13:58Reply
I was born March 1959. How will my health and wealth look like in the coming years? Thank You!
Answers (1)
Answered by Nathan | Oct. 24, 2023 18:23

The year of 2024 has a very good luck for Pig people and you will have no worries in career and wealth aspects.
Asked by Nicole Ong from MALAYSIA | Aug. 03, 2023 01:25Reply
My born date is 21th October 1983 I want to ask how about they very rich in their late life for me?
My born date is 21th October 1983 I want to ask how about they what the timer day is very rich in their late life for me? How about of my life is rich or poor
Answers (1)
Answered by Daisy | Aug. 03, 2023 23:11

Generally speaking, people born in the year of 1983 would lead a happy life and this year is extremely luck for you on wealth and career aspects. However, details are hard to predict. Keep struggling and you won't be disappointed.
Asked by Marjan from USA | Jul. 07, 2023 22:07Reply
Will I meet my love in 2023
Will I meet in 2023 my man and get married? My born December 5, 59. Did have luck in love.
Answers (1)
Answered by Lisa | Jul. 09, 2023 23:50

I'm afraid you are not so lucky in term of love this year. Spare more energy to develop more hobbies and make the life more colorful.
Asked by neka from CAMBODIA | Sep. 04, 2020 06:31Reply
I want to know is it good for me to create a business ?
I am born in July 14 1983 ( Pig) Blood A | i want to build a condo for business. Is it good or not ? Should i invest in this year or next year ? Is there anything i should know ?
Answers (1)
Answered by Colton | Sep. 07, 2020 00:59

According to the prediction, it will be ok for you to build a business recently. Next year would be an appropriate time. You can also ask help for some experienced people. They can provide some help.
Asked by cathrine from USA | Apr. 02, 2019 19:51Reply
my birth date is Feb 13, 1947. what are aspects for 2019?
Answers (1)
Answered by Nancy from LITHUANIA | Apr. 03, 2019 20:26

Generally, you will have a stable life this year and there is no large problem in most aspects. However, you need to pay more attention about your health and maintain the family relationship carefully. Best wishes!
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