1947 Chinese Zodiac - Fire Pig

Which type of Pig are people born in 1947 Chinese Zodiac year?

In Chinese zodiac calendar, 1947 is the year of the Pig. Also, according to the Chinese Five Elements, 1947 is a year of Fire. So, people born in 1947 is the Fire Pig. Put it in another way under the Gregorian calendar, if you were born from Jan.22nd to Dec.31st in 1947, you belong to Fire Pig; if you were born from Jan.1st to Jan 21st in 1947, your zodiac is Fire Dog of the previous year.

Lucky Signs for 1947 Fire Pig

 Lucky Numbers: 2, 7, 8

 Lucky Colors: yellow, grey, white

2025 Horoscope for Fire Pig Born in 1947

The 78-year-old "Pigs" are lucky to enjoy a peaceful life in 2025. They would not be troubled with major diseases and could keep fit with the care of partners and children. Even if minor illnesses occasionally appear, they could be cured soon. However, do not take health conditions lightly. Regular checkups are essential to find out potential illnesses, and then they could receive treatment in time. As a responsible group, they seem to care more about their family in later life and thus have happy relationships with family members. 

*See more about Pig Horoscope in 2025

Personality Traits of the 1947 Chinese Zodiac Pig

People born in 1947 are loyal, integral, confident and straightforward. However, they may encounter failure for the lack of flexibility when dealing with problems. But take it easy, their supportive friends will always stand by them. Moreover, Fire Pigs are good at expressing their love to their family. They are the sort of people who are dedicated to family without asking for anything in return.

 See more about Personality of the Pig 


People born in 1947 with Chinese zodiac Pig sign have a great possibility to live a worry-free and high-quality life in terms of wealth at old ages by virtue of their outstanding career achievements. For those who want to make more money, prudent investments are advised, and they should better make decisions after thinking twice in case of financial losses.

Love and Relationships

People born in 1947 year of the Pig often place great emphasis on their families. In their later years, they may concern more about their partner, children and grandchildren and thus create a harmonious family atmosphere. Besides, they could also maintain warm relationships with friends, bringing them a happy mood every day.

 See more about Pig's Love Compatibility 


People born in 1947 Chinese zodiac Pig year should be wary of the disease on two aspects, digestive system and respiratory system. So, they’d better avoid eating cold food, and drinking too much alcohol. Also, wear enough warm clothes when going out in chilly weather. The continual cough should not be ignored because it could be a signal of asthma.

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- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -