Which type of Rooster are people born in 2005 Chinese Zodiac year?
According to Chinese zodiac, February 9, 2005 to January 28, 2006 is the year of the Rooster. Furtherly, based on Chinese Five Element, this time period has the Wood element. Therefore, people born in is the Wood Rooster. Those people who born from January 1 to February 8 in 2005 are the Wood Monkey.
Lucky Signs for 2005 Wood Rooster
Lucky Numbers: 5, 7, 8
Lucky Colors: gold, brown, yellow
2025 Horoscope for Wood Rooster Born in 2005
People with Rooster sign of Chinese zodiac would reap rich rewards in 2025. They would have pretty academic performance as long as keep working hard. They have a strong desire to study, and it could be easy for them to absorb new knowledge. Therefore, they are advised to take the chance to acquire as many skills as possible. The year 2025 may also be a crucial time for "Roosters" born in 2005 to enlarge their social circle, so it is recommended to actively make new friends. In terms of health, they need to care more about food safety to avoid digestive problem such as diarrhea.
See more about Rooster Horoscope in 2025
Personality Traits of the 2005 Chinese Zodiac Wood Rooster
People with Chinese zodiac Rooster born in 2005 attach great importance to their families and are eager to be loved. They are warm and generous, have a good sense of humor and often ease the tense atmosphere, so their popularity has always been very good. The Rooster people are good at communication so that they can easily get help from others.
However, the Wood Rooster are conceited and always want to rely on others when they face problems. They are not good at thinking and solving problems independently. Moreover, they are kind of vain and impractical. If they are unhappy, they will show it without reservation and do not know how to take care of others' feelings.

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Personality of the Rooster The career fortune is not very stable for them. The 2005 Wood Rooster will experience some setbacks in their career. They always like to rely on others when something bad happens. Therefore, they should learn to be independent. When they encounter problems they have never seen before in their work, they should try to solve them by their own ability and do not always rely on others.

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Rooster's Best Business and Career Fields,
Best Jobs and Working Partners Chinese zodiac Rooster born in 2005 will have a relatively good luck in wealth. Although they sometimes lose money in one field, they can earn money from another field. It is suggested that they buy some stable financial products to save money. However, it should be noted that they must not lend too much money to others. If the money cannot be returned, they will not only lose money, but also lose friends.
The love and relationship is not that good for the Wood Rooster. In a love relationship, they cannot only consider their own feelings, they should learn to care about their lover, which is of great help to promote their feelings. After getting married, don't neglect the spouse even if they are busy with work. Try to spend more time with their lover.

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Rooster's Love Compatibility Their health fortune is quite good. They will not suffer from big diseases in their whole lives; also they will seldom catch minor diseases. But they should be on alert when going out. They must obey the traffic rules and do not cross the road at random. When participating in the activities organized by school or company, they should keep up with the big group and do not behave alone at will to prevent any dangers.
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- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -