1969 Chinese Zodiac - Earth Rooster

Which type of Rooster are people born in 1969 Chinese zodiac year?

1969 is the Chinese zodiac Rooster year, and it belongs to the Earth element based on Chinese Five Elements. Therefore, people born in 1969 Chinese zodiac year are the Earth Rooster.

Chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar and there are some differences between lunar and Gregorian calendars. This Chinese year of the Earth Rooster starts from February 17, 1969 to February 5, 1970 in Gregorian calendar. And people who born from January 1 to February 16 in 1969 are the previous Earth Monkey year.

Lucky Signs for 1969 Earth Rooster

 Lucky Numbers: 2, 11, 20

 Lucky Colors: yellow, brown, gold, white

2025 Horoscope for Earth Rooster Born in 1969

"Roosters" born in 1969 would have satisfying horoscope in career and wealth in 2025, especially those working in technical positions are likely to receive additional bonuses in the middle of the year. They may also earn substantial profits through investments but still need to be cautious when choosing finance management products. Married ones may see red lights in their marriage because misunderstandings with partners may arise. They should better solve the problems through timely communication and not be cold-hearted. The health fortune is not bad. Pay attention to traffic safety, and do not drive after drinking or when feeling tired to avoid accidents.

 See more about Rooster Horoscope in 2025  

Personality Traits of the 1969 Chinese Zodiac Earth Rooster

People born in 1969 year of the Rooster have a strong will and can stick to what they do and do not give up easily. They are diligent, capable and competitive with strong personalities. At the same time, they have amazing endurance and great patience, so they are not easily disturbed by the outside world when doing things, and they can spend a lot of time on things they like.

However, influenced by the social environment, the Rooster people are a little vain. And they often have unrealistic ideas and are vulnerable to be tempted. In addition, they are too confident to accept other people's opinions and suggestions, and they only like to be complimented.

 See more about Personality of the Rooster



The 1969 Earth Rooster have an adorable career in their life. There is someone who can help them in developing their career. For office workers, their work may be relatively dull and they cannot show their talent. But after they get help from the person, they can easily be appreciated by leaders, show their talent and get promoted. For entrepreneurs, the help of that person can make their enterprise develop better and faster. It is suggested that they should maintain a humble attitude and be kind to others. In this way, it is more likely to obtain large orders and lay a good foundation for the development of the enterprise.

 See more about Rooster's Best Business and Career Fields, Best Jobs and Working Partners


There are a few twists and turns on the way of wealth accumulation for people with Chinese zodiac Rooster born in 1969. They may experience layoffs and their income will become less substantial. But as long as they go through these dark days, things will go smoothly and their wages and pensions will be relatively high. At the same time, they know how to invest correctly, and they are also very good at saving money. So they have a pretty good wealth fortune in the latter of their life.

Love and Relationships

The love and relationships fortune for the Earth Rooster is pretty smooth. Their marriage life is relatively happy, but influenced by their working environment, they may encounter many temptations. They must stick to their original heart. Otherwise, it will not only damage their marriage, but also affect their career and money fortune.

 See more about Rooster's Love Compatibility



The Rooster people have to take good care of their body. Because of the bad eating habit they developed when they were young, it is easy for them to suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. They should keep healthy diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, and less greasy and spicy food.

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- Last updated on Jan. 08, 2025 by Grace Yang -