2004 Chinese Zodiac - Wood Monkey
Which type of Monkey are people born in 2004 Chinese Zodiac year?
Lucky Signs for 2004 Wood Monkey
Lucky Numbers: 7, 8
Lucky Colors: yellow, brown
2025 Horoscope for Wood Monkey Born in 2004
“Monkeys” attending university have optimal study fortune in 2025. It would be easy for them to understand and master new knowledge, get good marks and receive praise from teachers, benefiting from their strong interest in learning and self-directed hard work. Besides, it may be the best time to participate in various competitions because they are likely to win remarkable honors relying on their talent. In terms of wealth, they have the chance to make money by doing part-time jobs, and their good grades may help them get a scholarship. For single people, they may welcome a wonderful romantic relationship in 2025. Seeking for a balance between study and love life is advised. As for health, no major problem appears, but they still need to pay attention to safety when going outside.
See more about Monkey Horoscope in 2025
Personality Traits of the 2004 Chinese Zodiac Wood Monkey
However, the Wood Monkey like to talk big and lack confidence sometimes. They rely heavily on friends and always need the encouragement and support from their friends. They lack patience and give up quickly when they encounter small setbacks. In addition, they are more likely to focus on immediate interests instead of long-term benefits.
See more about Personality of the Monkey
See more about Monkey's Best Business and Career Fields, Best Jobs and Working Partners
Love and Relationships
See more about Monkey's Love Compatibility
The health fortune for the 2004 Wood Monkey is not so good. Because of the busy work, they are more likely to suffer from physical problems than others, especially stomachache because they usually forget to eat on time. In addition, because they often stay up late to work overtime, they may also have endocrine disorders. Try best to get enough sleep and eat on time when young. Finally, bad temper can also cause health problems, so they should learn to control their temper.
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