1956 Chinese Zodiac - Fire Monkey

Which type of Monkey are people born in 1956 Chinese zodiac year?

In Chinese zodiac, 1956 is the year of the Monkey. And based on Chinese Five Elements, it belongs to the Fire element year. So people with Chinese zodiac Monkey born in 1956 are the Fire Monkey.

As lunar calendar which Chinese people follow is different from Gregorian calendar, the Fire Monkey year in Gregorian calendar starts from February 12, 1956 to January 30, 1957. People who born from January 1 to February 11 in 1956 are the previous Chinese zodiac Wood Sheep.

Lucky Signs for 1956 Fire Monkey

 Lucky Numbers: 1, 2

 Lucky Colors: green, cyan

2025 Horoscope for Fire Monkey Born in 1956

People with Chinese zodiac Monkey sign of 1956 and who have retired at home would enjoy relatively favorable wealth fortune in 2025. They would have a lot of savings and may not need to worry about financial matters. However, according to the luck prediction, it is not a good time to make investments because there is a possibility of financial loss. 

In terms of love and relationships, conflicts with partners may occur. They are advised to promptly solve the problems through effective communication. Burying all thoughts deep in heart may lead to things get worse and worse. Besides, “Monkeys” of 1956 need to be cautious of common diseases of old age such as cardiovascular disease and chronic pain conditions like arthritis. Staying indoors in bad weather is highly recommended to avoid accidents.

 See more about Monkey Horoscope in 2025

Personality Traits of the 1956 Chinese Zodiac Fire Monkey

People born in 1956 year of the Monkey are born with wisdom, humor and quick mind. Therefore, they are outstanding in many aspects. They are generous, ingenious, confident, delicate in mind and good at imitation. They have lofty ideas and love adventure, so they are very suitable to be business owners.

However, they are impatient and over-ambitious, so they may encounter many strong winds and waves in their life. They put too much emphasis on fame and wealth and have a strong possessive desire. Therefore, learning to be content will make their life happier.

 See more about Personality of the Monkey



Most “Monkeys” born in 1956 may have retired at home and do not need to face challenges at work anymore; but juniors in the previous workplace may come to ask for advice due to their rich experience. Businessmen still engaging in their career can achieve satisfying results in their old ages, which ensures them and their family easygoing lives. 

 See more about Monkey's Best Business and Career FieldsBest Jobs and Working Partners



Their wealth fortune becomes better and better. The 1956 Chinese zodiac Fire monkey can accumulate some money after a long time of work. Investment could bring more money for them in their old ages. However, they should keep sane. They must not have the idea of becoming rich overnight, and do not be confused by others to invest financial products with high risk.


Love and Relationships

The 1956 Fire Monkey have a harmonious family which usually admired by others. After getting along with their spouse for such a long time, they have known each other very well, and the relationship between them and their lover is pretty stable now. They can talk more with their spouse to make their marriage life sweeter. Children and grandchildren often visit them, so they are very satisfied with their family life.

 See more about Monkey's Love Compatibility



As they are getting older and older, the 1956 Monkey people need to take good care of their body. They should better take more outdoor sports, and travel with their families to relax and not let themselves be too tired. Besides, they should go to the hospital in time and take medicine and rest on time according to the doctor's advice if they feel sick.

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- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -