2000 Chinese Zodiac - Metal Dragon

Which type of Dragon are people born in 2000 Chinese zodiac year?

Dragon is the Chinese zodiac sign for the year of 2000 and Water is its element based on Chinese Five Elements. Therefore, people born in 2000 belong to the Metal Dragon.

As Chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar, in Gregorian calendar, people born from February 5, 2000 to January 23, 2001 are Metal Dragon; those born from January 1 to February 4 in 2000 belong to the Earth Rabbit.

Lucky Signs for 2000 Metal Dragon

 Lucky Numbers:  9, 12

 Lucky Colors: navy blue, silvery grey


2025 Horoscope for Metal Dragon Born in 2000

People with Chinese zodiac Dragon sign born in 2000 would be relatively lucky in terms of career: employees could encounter many opportunities to fully demonstrate their abilities, and they are advised to actively utilize these opportunities to gain position advancement. Businessmen would meet like-minded companions and realize further career development through cooperation.
In terms of finance, they have mixed horoscope. On the good side, their work income would be high, and investments could bring them a small return. On the bad side, they may tend to spend more money. They are recommended to try to control their spending in daily life.
Singles may have the chance to meet someone and start a relationship. Those partnered may need to spend more time with their mate to make their relationship more intimate.
Overall luck in health could be good, but they need to keep up with moderate exercise and avoid being sedentary.

 See more about Dragon Horoscope in 2025 


Personality Traits of the 2000 Chinese Zodiac Metal Dragon

People with Chinese zodiac Dragon born in 2000 are forthright, kind-hearted, brave, filial, generous and good at financial management. They have strong enterprise, great ambition and many constructive and creative ideas.

However, the Meatal Dragon have a strong desire to show themselves, which may bring dislikes from people around. Therefore, they should learn to respect others and express themselves moderately. Another word to describe them is “changeable”; their emotion changes quickly and they often change their minds, making it hard for other people to get their points.

 See more about Personality of the Dragon


People born with Chinese zodiac Dragon in 2000 may suffer from some setbacks in their career. Their career life may undergo big changes. It is suggested that they should withstand the pressure from work and try hard to make achievements. In addition, the Metal Dragon born in 2000 like to work independently, but they need to learn to cooperate with others. In this way, they can make solid foundation to their future career.

 See more about Dragon's Best Business and Career FieldsBest Jobs and Working Partners


Their income is not very stable. When they have a good fortune, they will make considerable fortune. But it is possible for them to lose money. It is necessary for them to learn some finical management knowledge. At the beginning of investing, do not invest too much.

Love and Relationships

The love fortune in their life is relatively good. People they like always respond to them. Once the love relationship is confirmed, they will spend all their energy to hold it. But they may quarrel with their spouses after marriage. They should learn to tolerate their partner to make their life happier and happier.

 See more about Dragon's Love Compatibility


Their health fortune is not bad. There is no big problem in the body condition. But they are easy to get hurt while exercising. Therefore, it is suggested to avoid dangerous exercises.

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- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -