1988 Chinese Zodiac - Earth Dragon

Which type of Dragon are people born in 1988 Chinese zodiac year?

People born in 1988 are the Earth Dragon based on Chinese Five Elements and Chinese Zodiac.

Chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar and the date between lunar calendar and Gregorian calendar is a little different. In Gregorian calendar, the Earth Dragon are born from February 17, 1988 to February 5, 1989; those who born from January 1 to February 16 in 1988 are Fire Rabbit.

Lucky Signs for 1988 Earth Dragon

 Lucky Numbers: 4, 9

 Lucky Color: white

2025 Horoscope for Earth Dragon Born in 1988

Career luck would be relatively average: entrepreneurs may see stagnant development in their business, while employees would not have good opportunities or projects. But methods would exist for them to solve these problems. Businessmen could ask elders for help and employees could try side businesses. In addition, their investment luck in 2025 would be great, so they could make some investments on the basis of serious consideration.

Those who are single may not have a good chance of finding true love. If they want to start a romantic relationship, they may need to actively participate in social activities and expand their interpersonal relationships. People with partners may face more separation due to work or other reasons, which may lead to a lack of common topics and interactions between them and their partner, thus affecting the relationship. So they are advised to promote communication and manage to spend more time with their significant the other.

Health luck would be also rather average, and they need to pay attention to gastrointestinal health and are advised to eat less cold and greasy food. 

 See more about Dragon Horoscope in 2025 


Personality Traits of the 1988 Chinese Zodiac Earth Dragon

People born in 1988 year of the Dragon are ambitious dreamers. They are very smart and work hard with great initiative. If they can stick to one thing, they will have great achievements. They are person with loving heart, and they like to make friends with all kinds of people.

But they lack patience and often give up halfway. So they often lose their achievements. They are addicted to shopping and always waste money on inapplicable things.

 See more about Personality of the Dragon


The Earth Dragon may face some challenges in the work field throughout their life. Their working progress is easily disturbed by some bad people. Therefore, work efficiency is the most important issue they need to pay attention to in the workplace. In addition, they need to learn how to deal with interpersonal relationships. Entrepreneurs should avoid being tempted by fine words and think twice before making decisions.

 See more about Dragon's Best Business and Career FieldsBest Jobs and Working Partners


The salary is enough for them to live a stable life. And they also can earn some extra money through investment and financial management. However, it is necessary to avoid indulging in high-risk investment and financial products. Otherwise, it will lead to heavy losses. It is better to consult professionals and experienced elders before making decisions related to money issues.

Love and Relationships

Chinese zodiac Dragon people should treat their love seriously. After getting married, they may be attracted to some opposite sexes, which will arouse their spouses’ misunderstanding, so they need to be firm and tell admirers the truth at the first time. At the same time, they need to care more about the physical and mental state of their lovers. Gifts on anniversaries or special festivals can deepen their relationships.

 See more about Dragon's Love Compatibility


The Earth Dragon will have good health fortune and will not suffer from too much pain in their lives. It is only necessary to avoid being anger under the pressure of heavy work, because it is not conducive to the health of the liver. Even if they are busy in their work, they should notice the changes of their body. And it is suggested to do physical examinations regularly.

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- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -