Which type of Dog are people born in 1994 Chinese Zodiac year?
According to Chinese zodiac, the year 1994 has the Dog sign. Moreover, the year has the Wood element based on Chinese Five Elements. In Gregorian calendar, this Wood Dog year starts from February 10, 1994 to January 30, 1995. Therefore, people born in this period are the Wood Dog, and those who born from January 1 to February 9 in 1994 belong to the previous Water Rooster.
Lucky Signs for 1994 Wood Dog
Lucky Numbers: 3, 8
Lucky Colors: black, blue
2025 Horoscope for Wood Dog Born in 1994
The year 2025 may be a fruitful year for "Dogs" of 1994. They are blessed with much fortune, especially in career. All their efforts are likely to be rewarded with a decent income, and promotion would be around the corner. For those who are finding a new job or want to start a business, 2025 could be a good time. However, they are reminded to pay attention to their relationships with colleagues: in teamwork, try to be tolerant and patient. Singles would luckily encounter their desired partner at gatherings and then fall in love in the year.
See more about Dog Horoscope in 2025
Personality Traits of the 1994 Chinese Zodiac Wood Dog
People with Chinese zodiac Dog born in 1994 are honest, reliable and polite. They always try their best to repay the care and help from others. They are born with a sense of justice. When they encounter something unfair, they will protest loudly.
But sometimes, the Wood Dog are too upright and outspoken to be acceptable by others. They are a little touchy, and often keep small things in mind. In addition, they lack their own opinions when thinking about problems and are easily influenced by other people.

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Personality of the Dog People born in 1994 year of the Dog go smoothly in their career path. They try their best to do what they want to do no matter how many difficulties they may encounter. If they are engaged in work that requires patience and continuity, they can bring their potential into full play. At the same time, their characteristics and attitude to work will gain the trust of leaders and bring them opportunities for promotion. In addition, they are very suitable for starting a business of their own. They can easily get through the early stage of entrepreneurship which is very difficult.

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Dog's Best Business and Career Fields,
Best Jobs and Working Partners Dog people born in 1994 have a good wealth fortune. Although most of them will not become millionaires, they often have the opportunities to make small fortune. They could get a stable salary because of their excellent working ability. In addition, their good luck will often make them get unexpected wealth. But they are not good at financial management. It is suggested that they should not invest casually when they have spare money. They can save their money or buy something that can appreciate in value.
The Wood Dog born in 1994 have a straightforward and frank attitude towards love. They always express their feelings with 100% sincerity and hope others can give corresponding responses. In love, they are relatively inflexible and passive, and they are not a romantic people. Therefore, they should learn to take the initiative and create some small romance for their lovers, which will make their relationship more harmonious.

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Dog's Love Compatibility Chinese zodiac Dog have a good health condition in their life. Luckily enough, they will not suffer from big health problems. But they should pay attention to their diet: do not eat too much meat but more vegetables and fruits. In addition, they should get rid of the bad habit of staying up late as soon as possible.
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- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -