1982 Chinese Zodiac - Water Dog

Which type of Dog are people born in 1982 Chinese Zodiac year?

According to Chinese zodiac, 1982 is the year of the Dog, and it belongs to the Water based on Chinese Five Elements. So the people born in 1982 are the Water Dog.

Chinese calendar follows lunar calendar, different from Gregorian calendar. In Gregorian calendar, people born from January 25, 1982 to February 12 in 1983 are the Water Dog, those who born from January 1 to 24 in 1982 are the Metal Rooster.

Lucky Signs for 1982 Water Dog

 Lucky Numbers:  1, 6

 Lucky Colors: black, dark green

2025 Horoscope for Water Dog Born in 1982

It is possible that "Dogs" born in 1982 will meet some obstacles at work at the beginning of the year, but things would get better over time. They could get support from kind colleagues and thus be able to advance tasks smoothly. Due to satisfying performance, they may get the opportunity for job promotion and salary increase. Businessmen are expected to expand their business. "Dogs" of 1982 also enjoy good fortune in love and relationships. Singles may meet their Mr. or Mrs. Right, and people with the other half are very likely to enjoy harmonious family life. 

However, they may be not lucky in wealth. Prudent investment is advised to lower the risk of financial crisis. Do not lend money to others without serious consideration.  

 See more about Dog Horoscope in 2025

Personality Traits of the 1982 Chinese Zodiac Water Dog

People born in 1982 year of the Dog have a firm will. They are conscientious and careful in work, and strict with themselves. At the same time, they are very loyal to their friends and family. Being compassionate, they always help people in need. They are serious and responsible in doing things and have a long-term vision.

But the Water Dog are self-centered and sometimes even selfish. They are pretty stubborn and unwilling to accept opinions and suggestions from others, and they do not know how to be flexible. In addition, their mood is unstable and irritable.

 See more about Personality of the Dog


The career fortune for people with Chinese zodiac Dog born in 1982 is relatively ideal and shows an upward trend as a whole. For office workers, although there are some trivial problems, their work will not be affected too much. As long as they are patient with every task, they will eventually achieve outstanding results. Moreover, they should keep a positive attitude when facing difficulties.

Entrepreneurs will have a good development, too. If they are willing to listen to the opinions from employees and other people, their enterprise will get better development.

 See more about Dog's Best Business and Career FieldsBest Jobs and Working Partners


The Dog people have a pretty good luck in wealth. They can earn a good salary through hard work. In addition, they will get help from other people in their middle age, which is of great help to their wealth accumulation. They are also very good at financial management. Their long-term vision will enable them to obtain good returns from their investment. But they should better get rid of the bad habit of spending money irrationally.

Love and Relationships

The 1982 Water Dog have a good love fortune. They are loyal to their spouse and have a strong sense of responsibility. But do not neglect their lover just because of busy work, and do not be too emotional when there is a conflict. They should better learn to communicate with their spouse to solve the problem together.

 See more about Dog's Love Compatibility


They have a relatively plain fortune in health in their whole life. In daily life, they had better not take part in dangerous activities to avoid accidents. In addition, they need to make reasonable schedules and do not stay up late. They also need to learn to release pressure. More contact with nature is conducive to health and adjusting their state of mind.

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- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -