How to Travel between Shenzhen and Macau

The distance between Shenzhen and Macau is around 200 kilometers (124 miles) in total. The fastest Convenient travel way is to take ferries. The whole duration is about 60-80 minutes for a single trip, taking CNY 230-400. For more flexible schedules, passengers can also take a long-distance bus or a bullet train to Zhuhai first, then go through the customs at the nearby Gongbei Port to get to Macau.

How to Travel between Shenzhen and Macau

How to Travel from Shenzhen to Macau

1. Fastest  Shenzhen to Macau Ferry: 60-80min, from CNY220

Dep. Arr. Timetable Fare
Shenzhen Shekou Port Macau Outer Ferry Terminal 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 16:30, 18:30 230/400
Taipa Ferry Terminal 08:00, 09:30, 10:00, 10:30, 12:00, 12:30, 13:30, 14:00, 15:00, 15:30, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 19:30, 21:00
Shenzhen Airport Port (Fuyong Port) Macau Outer Ferry Terminal 11:30 235/400
Taipa Ferry Terminal 08:30, 14:40, 17:45
 From Shenzhen Airport, passengers can take bus no. M590 at GTC to Fuyong Port, just one stop.

2. Most Departures: Shenzhen to Macau Bus

 Shenzhen - Zhuhai Gongbei Port - Macau: 3.5h, CNY 90-100
Passengers  can also take a bus to Zhuhai Gongbei Port, then go through the customs there and get to Macau.
Dep. Arr. Timetable Price
Baoan Bus Station Zhuhai Gongbei Port 10:00, 14:00 100
Shajing Central Bus Station 10:50, 14:50 90
Longhua Bus Station 09:30, 14:30 100
Futian Bus Station 09:00, 11:00, 15:30, 18:30 100

 Shenzhen - Macau via HK: 1.5h, CNY 180-240

Dep. Arr. Timetable Price
Shenzhen Bay Port Macau Artificial Island Port 08:35 - 18:35 every hour 180
Qianhai Jiali Center 08:50, 10:50, 14:50 200
Shenzhen Airport 09:00 - 16:00 every hour 240
Shenzhen OH Bay 07:30, 13:40, 16:30 180
 As the buses travel through Hong Kong and Macau, passengers need to prepare both visas for entering Hong Kong and Macau at the same time.

3. Alternative Shenzhen to Zhuhai High Speed Train: 2h, from CNY 117

Passengers can also take a Shenzhen - Zhuhai bullet train first to arrive at Zhuhai Railway Station, then walk to the Gongbei Port nearby to go through the customs and get to Macau.
Train Dep. Arr. Price (CNY)
D944, Sat - Tue 06:31
Shenzhen North
New Soft Sleeper: 390
2nd Class Seat: 117
G6336 daily 10:00
Shenzhen North
1st Class Seat: 189.5
2nd Class Seat: 144.5
Business Cls. Seat: 404.5
G6338 daily 14:34
Shenzhen North

How to Travel from Macau to Shenzhen

1. Macau to Shenzhen Ferry: 60-75, from CNY 220

Dep. Arr. Departure Time Price
Macau Taipa Ferry Terminal Shenzhen Shekou Port 08:30, 09:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 13:30, 14:00, 15:00,  15:30, 16:30, 17:00, 17:30, 18:30, 19:30, 20:30, 21:00 Standard Class Seat: 229/239
First Class Seat: 390/422
Fuyong Port
(Shenzhen Bao'an Airport)
16:10, 19:25 Standard Class Seat: 220
First Class Seat: 376
Macau Outer Ferry Terminal Shenzhen Shekou Port 10:30, 12:30, 14:15, 14:30, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00 Standard Class Seat: 230
First Class Seat: 400
Fuyong Port 13:05 Standard Class Seat: 235
First Class Seat: 399
 From Fuyong Port, passengers can take bus no. M590 to Shenzhen Bao'an Airport.

2. Zhuhai to Shenzhen High Speed Train: 2h, from CNY117

Passengers need to get the Zhuhai Gongbei Port to go through customs at first, and then take a high speed train to Macau.
Train Dep. Arr. Price (CNY/MOP)
G6340, Mon - Sun  17:06
Shenzhen North
1st Class Seat: 189.5
2nd Class Seat: 144.5
Business Cls. Seat: 404.5
G6334 20:25
Shenzhen North
D942, Fri - Mon 18:14
Shenzhen North
2nd Class Seat: 117
New Soft Sleeper: 350

- Last updated on Jan. 26, 2025 by Gabby Li -