Sanya Weather in May

Compared with the previous four months, Sanya weather in May steps into summer with a higher temperature. The highest temperature is around 32°C (90°F), and the lowest one is around 26°C (79°F). Visitors may feel hot at noon, but feel pleasant in the early morning or evening. Moreover, the rainy season starts in middle May, generally, it rains 10 days with 142mm of monthly precipitation.

International Labor Day falls on May 1st with a 3-day holiday, which leads to crowded scenic spots and higher price of hotels and flights. So visitors are highly recommended to visit Sanya in Middle or late May.

Averages for Sanya Weather in May

Temperature: 28°C / 82°F
High Temperature: 32°C / 90°F
Low Temperature: 26°C / 79°F
Humidity: 75%
Rainfall: 142 mm
Rainy Days: 10 days
Sunrise: 06:05 ~ 06:15
Sunset: 19:03 ~ 19:14
Air Quality in May
Average AQI:17
Sanya Air Quality in May

What to Wear in Sanya in May

Wearing shorts, skirts and dresses will be appropriate for the hot climate. As for shoes, it’s convenient to wear sandals when strolling along the shoreline. Moreover, sunhat and sunglasses help keep you away from intense sunshine.
Sanya Clothes in May May Wear in Sanya

Where to Go in Sanya in May

Attached to Yalong Bay, Paradise Forest Park is a core scenic spot in Sanya with large fields of tropical plants. It’s a good place for visitors who want to take adventurous activities, such as hiking through the forest and sliding from high altitude. When visitors stand at the peak of the forest, they have a bird’s eye view of Sanya Bay.
Visitors who are interested in Buddhism could also visit Nanshan Buddhist Culture Park. The famous Guanyin sculpture over the sea cannot be missed.

Other Tips

Though the weather is sunny in most days, visitors are also suggested to bring along rain gear in case encountering rainy days in May. In addition, it’s not popular to use credit card, so visitors need to prepare enough money before travelling.

What is the temperature in Sanya in May?

High/Low Temperatures of Sanya in May
Temperatures Graph of Sanya in May
Air Quality of Sanya in May
Sanya AQI Graph in May

Historical Sanya Weather in May

May Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 33°C / 91.4°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:15 / 19:03 74
2 32°C / 89.6°F 25°C / 77°F 06:15 / 19:04 74
3 32°C / 89.6°F 25°C / 77°F 06:14 / 19:04 69
4 33°C / 91.4°F 25°C / 77°F 06:14 / 19:04 70
5 32°C / 89.6°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:13 / 19:05 71
6 33°C / 91.4°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:13 / 19:05 73
7 32°C / 89.6°F 27°C / 80.6°F 06:12 / 19:05 67
8 33°C / 91.4°F 27°C / 80.6°F 06:12 / 19:06 66
9 33°C / 91.4°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:11 / 19:06 67
10 33°C / 91.4°F 27°C / 80.6°F 06:11 / 19:06 82
11 33°C / 91.4°F 27°C / 80.6°F 06:10 / 19:07 73
12 34°C / 93.2°F 27°C / 80.6°F 06:10 / 19:07 83
13 34°C / 93.2°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:09 / 19:07 69
14 34°C / 93.2°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:09 / 19:08 70
15 33°C / 91.4°F 28°C / 82.4°F 06:09 / 19:08 72
16 33°C / 91.4°F 27°C / 80.6°F 06:08 / 19:09 76
17 34°C / 93.2°F 27°C / 80.6°F 06:08 / 19:09 74
18 34°C / 93.2°F 27°C / 80.6°F 06:08 / 19:09 73
19 34°C / 93.2°F 27°C / 80.6°F 06:08 / 19:10 73
20 34°C / 93.2°F 27°C / 80.6°F 06:07 / 19:10 72
21 34°C / 93.2°F 27°C / 80.6°F 06:07 / 19:10 71
22 34°C / 93.2°F 27°C / 80.6°F 06:07 / 19:11 72
23 31°C / 87.8°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:07 / 19:11 70
24 34°C / 93.2°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:06 / 19:12 70
25 33°C / 91.4°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:06 / 19:12 68
26 34°C / 93.2°F 25°C / 77°F 06:06 / 19:12 71
27 34°C / 93.2°F 28°C / 82.4°F 06:06 / 19:13 71
28 35°C / 95°F 28°C / 82.4°F 06:06 / 19:13 76
29 34°C / 93.2°F 27°C / 80.6°F 06:06 / 19:13 74
30 35°C / 95°F 27°C / 80.6°F 06:05 / 19:14 71
31 36°C / 96.8°F 27°C / 80.6°F 06:05 / 19:14 69
- Last updated on Dec. 11, 2019 -
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