Sanya Weather in August

In August, Sanya weather is extremely hot due to the intense sunshine. The average high temperature is 31°C (88°F), while the average low temperature is 26°C (79°F). Visitors may encounter frequent but short-lasting rainy days which bring high humidity in August. Generally, it rains about 16 days, resulting in 222m of monthly precipitation. In addition, visitors should pay close attention to weather forecast for typhoons and storms occasionally take place.

Lots of people head to Sanya in August because of summer vacation for students. So visitors are advised to book hotels and tickets in advance.

Averages for Sanya Weather in August

Temperature: 28°C / 82°F
High Temperature: 31°C / 88°F
Low Temperature: 26°C / 79°F
Humidity: 77%
Rainfall: 222 mm
Rainy Days: 16 days
Sunrise: 06:20 ~ 06:27
Sunset: 18:57 ~ 19:17
Air Quality in August
Average AQI:18
Sanya Air Quality in August

What to Wear in Sanya in August

Breathable summer clothes, such as skirts, shirts or dresses, are suitable for hot climate. Wear a long-sleeve shirt if staying too long in low air-conditioned rooms or when it is rainy day. Due to the intense sunshine, visitors should wear sunhat, sunglasses and proper sunscreen to prevent sunburn.
Sanya Clothes in August August Wear in Sanya

Where to Go in Sanya in August

Tianya Haijiao is the most popular in August for the traditional festival, the Qixi Festival, always falls on July 7th in lunar calendar. A large number of lovers visit Tianya Haijiao to wish a true and eternal love. It’s cool and pleasant to walk along the seashore close to Tianya Haijiao in the evening.

Binglanggu Li & Miao Cultural Heritage Park is an ideal place to escape from summer heat thanks to large fields of plants. The beautiful scenery of tropical forests like fields of betelnuts is always seen. Despite the nature beauty, visitors learn more about traditional Li & Miao minorities’ customs. For example, Qixi Splashing Festival is held by Li & Miao minorities at this place. 

Other Tips

Visitors may easily suffer from sunburn and sunstroke in summer, so it’s advised to arrange more indoor activities and try best to protect yourself from sunburn when travelling outside.

What is the temperature in Sanya in August?

High/Low Temperatures of Sanya in August
Temperatures Graph of Sanya in August
Air Quality of Sanya in August
Sanya AQI Graph in August

Historical Sanya Weather in August

Aug Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 31°C / 87.8°F 25°C / 77°F 06:20 / 19:17 74
2 32°C / 89.6°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:20 / 19:16 70
3 33°C / 91.4°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:20 / 19:16 73
4 33°C / 91.4°F 25°C / 77°F 06:21 / 19:15 72
5 33°C / 91.4°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:21 / 19:15 68
6 34°C / 93.2°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:21 / 19:14 73
7 34°C / 93.2°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:22 / 19:14 72
8 34°C / 93.2°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:22 / 19:13 71
9 31°C / 87.8°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:22 / 19:13 91
10 30°C / 86°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:22 / 19:12 90
11 32°C / 89.6°F 24°C / 75.2°F 06:23 / 19:12 79
12 32°C / 89.6°F 27°C / 28.4°F 06:23 / 19:11 75
13 31°C / 87.8°F 23°C / 73.4°F 06:23 / 19:10 79
14 32°C / 89.6°F 23°C / 73.4°F 06:23 / 19:10 88
15 29°C / 84.2°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:24 / 19:09 77
16 30°C / 80.6°F 23°C / 73.4°F 06:24 / 19:08 83
17 32°C / 89.6°F 24°C / 75.2°F 06:24 / 19:08 72
18 32°C / 89.6°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:24 / 19:07 69
19 32°C / 89.6°F 25°C / 77°F 06:25 / 19:06 75
20 32°C / 89.6°F 25°C / 77°F 06:25 / 19:06 74
21 32°C / 89.6°F 24°C / 75.2°F 06:25 / 19:05 75
22 32°C / 89.6°F 25°C / 77°F 06:25 / 19:04 74
23 32°C / 89.6°F 25°C / 77°F 06:26 / 19:04 73
24 32°C / 89.6°F 24°C / 75.2°F 06:26 / 19:03 70
25 31°C / 87.8°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:26 / 19:02 83
26 32°C / 89.6°F 25°C / 77°F 06:26 / 19:01 80
27 31°C / 87.8°F 23°C / 73.4°F 06:26 / 19:00 80
28 31°C / 87.8°F 24°C / 75.2°F 06:27 / 19:00 78
29 32°C / 89.6°F 23°C / 73.4°F 06:27 / 18:59 83
30 31°C / 87.8°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:27 / 18:58 76
31 31°C / 87.8°F 26°C / 78.8°F 06:27 / 18:57 69
- Last updated on Dec. 11, 2019 -