Luoyang Weather in January

The weather of Luoyang in January is cold and dry. The average daytime temperature is 6°C (43°F), and the average night temperature is -5°C (23°F). The temperature difference between day and night is not very big. The average precipitation is only 9mm, so the air is dry. There are hazy days in this month and the air is severely polluted.

The celebration of Chinese New Year may fall in late January according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar. Many temple fairs will be held during the celebration, where tourists can taste local snacks, watch folk performances and buy local specialties. Tourists also can visit lantern shows which are usually held in Wangcheng Park and Yintan Leisure Agriculture Garden.

Averages for Luoyang Weather in January

Temperature: 1°C / 34°F
High Temperature: 6°C / 43°F
Low Temperature: -5°C / 23°F
Rainfall: 9 mm
Rainy Days: 4 days
Sunrise: 07:30 ~ 07:38
Sunset: 17:31 ~ 17:58
Air Quality in January
Average AQI:124
Luoyang Air Quality in January

What to Wear in Luoyang in January

In the daytime, you can wear a sweater plus a wind coat or a cotton wadded jacket. If venturing outside at night, for the weather is cold, and you should wear a down jacket or a thick woolen coat, a pair of fleece pants, cotton boots, mask, hat, gloves and scarf to keep you warm.
Luoyang Clothes in January January Wear in Luoyang

Thing to Do in Luoyang in January

The daytime temperature is not very low, so moderate outdoor activities are OK. The beautiful scenery in the White Cloud Mountain National Forest Park and ice-snow recreational activities in Funiu Mountain Ski Resort are unmissable.

Covered by pure white snow, the White Cloud Mountain becomes a wonderland in winter, where visitors not only can enjoy icicle, ice fall, rime and unpredictable sea of clouds, but also can experience skiing, snowmobiles and bumper boats on the ice. Under the sunlight, the whole scenic area is glittering.

Known as the best ski resort in central China, Funiu Mountain Ski Resort covers an area of 6 square kilometers (about 2.3 square miles). It has one indoor skiing site, five outdoor skiing areas, five trails for different levels of skiers and one snow and ice culture ecological garden. There you will have a good time.

Other Tips

The climate in January in Luoyang is dry in January, so you’d better have enough water and fruits, and take skin care products with good moisturizing effect. In addition, taking some commonly used medicines is necessary.

What is the temperature in Luoyang in January?

High/Low Temperatures of Luoyang in January
Temperatures Graph of Luoyang in January
Air Quality of Luoyang in January
Luoyang AQI Graph in January

Historical Luoyang Weather in Janurary

Jan Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 10°C / 50°F 1°C / 33.8°F 07:38 / 17:31 47
2 11°C / 51.8°F 1°C / 33.8°F 07:38 / 17:31 37
3 10°C / 50°F 3°C / 37.4°F 07:38 / 17:32 36
4 5°C / 41°F 3°C / 37.4°F 07:38 / 17:33 60
5 4°C / 39.2°F 1°C / 33.8°F 07:38 / 17:34 62
6 2°C / 35.6°F 1°C / 33.8°F 07:38 / 17:35 79
7 7°C / 44.6°F -1°C / 30.2°F 07:38 / 17:35 65
8 9°C / 48.2°F -1°C / 30.2°F 07:38 / 17:36 34
9 8°C / 46.4°F 2°C / 35.6°F 07:38 / 17:37 41
10 5°C / 41°F 1°C / 33.8°F 07:38 / 17:38 45
11 7°C / 44.6°F -2°C / 28.4°F 07:38 / 17:39 31
12 9°C / 48.2°F -2°C / 28.4°F 07:38 / 17:40 28
13 9°C / 48.2°F -3°C / 26.6°F 07:38 / 17:41 26
14 6°C / 42.8°F -3°C / 26.6°F 07:38 / 17:42 33
15 4°C / 39.2°F -2°C / 28.4°F 07:37 / 17:43 25
16 6°C / 42.8°F -1°C / 30.2°F 07:37 / 17:44 33
17 7°C / 44.6°F -1°C / 30.2°F 07:37 / 17:45 40
18 4°C / 39.2°F -2°C / 28.4°F 07:37 / 17:46 53
19 5°C / 41°F -6°C / 21.2°F 07:36 / 17:47 24
20 5°C / 41°F -3°C / 26.6°F 07:36 / 17:48 12
21 7°C / 44.6°F -4°C / 24.8°F 07:35 / 17:49 13
22 10°C /50°F -3°C / 26.6°F 07:35 / 17:50 17
23 7°C / 44.6°F -2°C / 28.4°F 07:35 / 17:50 31
24 5°C / 41°F -2°C / 28.4°F 07:35 / 17:51 48
25 9°C / 48.2°F -2°C / 28.4°F 07:33 / 17:52 42
26 10°C / 50°F -1°C / 30.2°F 07:33 / 17:53 35
27 7°C / 44.6°F -1°C / 30.2°F 07:32 / 17:54 28
28 6°C / 42.8°F 1°C / 33.8°F 07:32 / 17:55 50
29 5°C / 41°F -4°C / 24.8°F 07:31 / 17:56 34
30 2°C / 35.6°F -3°C / 26.6°F 07:30 / 17:57 22
31 3°C / 37.4°F -2°C / 28.4°F 07:30 / 17:58 21
- Last updated on Sep. 09, 2019 -
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