Luoyang Weather in December

Luoyang weather in December is cold and dry. The average daytime temperature is 8°C (46°F), and the average night temperature is -3°C (27°F). You should pay attention to the big temperature difference between day and night. With an average of 12mm, the precipitation of this month is low, so the air is dry.

Winter starts in this month, and there is chance to see little snow. The falling snowflakes add beauty to the city. Walking through an old street on a snowy day, you will experience a different Luoyang city.

Averages for Luoyang Weather in December

Temperature: 3°C / 37°F
High Temperature: 8°C / 46°F
Low Temperature: -3°C / 27°F
Rainfall: 12 mm
Rainy Days: 2 days
Sunrise: 07:19 ~ 07:37
Sunset: 17:19 ~ 17:29
Air Quality in December
Average AQI:106
Luoyang Air Quality in December

What to Wear in Luoyang in December

If you are staying in the room, a thin sweater or a long-sleeved T-shirt plus a pair of long jeans are enough. If you venture outside, the weather is much colder, so thick sweater, cotton-padded clothes or down jacket, fleece pants, woolen hat, gloves and scarf are needed.
Luoyang Clothes in December December Wear in Luoyang

Things to Do in Luoyang in December

The daytime temperature is low in this month, but moderate outdoor activities are OK. It is a good option to take a walk in Luoyang Old Street which is a cross street from Lijing Gate in the west to Drum Tower in the east. It is the epitome of Luoyang’s history and culture. Besides historical buildings such as Octagon Tower, Lijing Gate and Wenbi Tower, most of the stores are in Ming and Qing styles with flags hung outside. From handicrafts, clothing to hardware, you can buy everything there. It is also a food paradise, and visitors can taste authentic food such as Water Banquet, Bufan soup, peony cakes, and other delicacies.

After feeding your eyes and stomach, you can relax your body. There is nothing better than a hot spring bath. Fengxiang Villa is a good place which combines hot spring regimen, featured catering, leisure vacation, ecological agriculture, sightseeing tour entertainment and fitness together. Relied on Longmen Mountain, the weather of this resort is pleasant and the scenery is beautiful. Cave-dwelling bathing room is also a feature of the resort.

Other Tips

The big difference between indoor and outdoor temperature can easily cause a cold; therefore, cold medicines are requisite, as well as medicine for gastroenteritis. In December, the climate of Luoyang is dry and the indoor temperature is high, so you need to bring skin care products with good moisturizing effect. You should drink enough water when taking a hot spring bath for fear of dehydration.

What is the temperature in Luoyang in December?

High/Low Temperatures of Luoyang in December
Temperatures Graph of Luoyang in December
Air Quality of Luoyang in December
Luoyang AQI Graph in December

Historical Luoyang Weather in December

Dec Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 8°C / 46.4°F -1°C / 30.2°F 07:19 / 17:20 31
2 12°C / 53.6°F 0°C / 32°F 07:20 / 17:20 39
3 13°C / 55.4°F 1°C / 33.8°F 07:21 / 17:19 27
4 9°C / 48.2°F -2°C / 28.4°F 07:22 / 17:19 26
5 10°C / 50°F -2°C / 28.4°F 07:22 / 17:19 19
6 12°C / 53.6°F -1°C / 30.2°F 07:23 / 17:19 17
7 11°C / 51.8°F -2°C / 28.4°F 07:24 / 17:19 17
8 9°C / 48.2°F 0°C / 32°F 07:25 / 17:19 18
9 12°C / 53.6°F 0°C / 32°F 07:26 / 17:20 17
10 11°C / 51.8°F -1°C / 30.2°F 07:26 / 17:20 18
11 10°C / 50°F -1°C / 30.2°F 07:27 / 17:20 23
12 5°C / 41°F -2°C / 28.4°F 07:28 / 17:20 34
13 2°C / 35.6°F -2°C / 28.4°F 07:29 / 17:20 46
14 2°C / 35.6°F -3°C / 26.6°F 07:29 / 17:21 77
15 7°C / 44.6°F -2°C / 28.4°F 07:30 / 17:21 83
16 4°C / 39.2°F -3°C / 26.6°F 07:31 / 17:21 29
17 7°C / 44.6°F -3°C / 26.6°F 07:31 / 17:22 30
18 9°C / 48.2°F -3°C / 26.6°F 07:32 / 17:22 29
19 9°C / 48.2°F -1°C / 30.2°F 07:32 / 17:22 19
20 10°C / 50°F -2°C / 28.4°F 07:33 / 17:23 22
21 10°C / 50°F -2°C / 28.4°F 07:34 / 17:23 25
22 11°C / 51.8°F 0°C / 32°F 07:34 / 17:24 25
23 11°C / 51.8°F 0°C / 32°F 07:35 / 17:24 23
24 9°C / 48.2°F -4°C / 24.8°F 07:35 / 17:25 21
25 9°C / 48.2°F -3°C / 26.6°F 07:35 / 17:25 24
26 12°C / 53.6°F -4°C / 24.8°F 07:36 / 17:26 22
27 9°C / 48.2°F -1°C / 30.2°F 07:36 / 17:27 28
28 8°C / 46.4°F 0°C / 32°F 07:37 / 17:27 42
29 12°C / 53.6°F 3°C / 37.4°F 07:37 / 17:28 28
30 11°C / 51.8°F -2°C / 28.4°F 07:37 / 17:29 21
31 9°C / 48.2°F -1°C / 30.2°F 07:37 / 17:29 25
- Last updated on Jun. 27, 2019 -
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