Best Way to Travel between Beijing and Harbin
The distance between Beijing and Harbin is about 1,300 kilometers (800 miles). Nowadays, there are three ways to travel between these two cities: Flight, High Speed Train and Normal Speed Train. The flight just needs 2 hours on board and there are many schedules to choose from. Taking high speed train is an alternative choice, taking 5-6 hours and costing CNY539.5 - 605 for Second Class Seat. If you want to save one night’s hotel cost, you can take normal speed train from Beijing to Harbin, which needs 10-18 hours with a fare of no more than CNY 300 for Hard Sleeper.
Over 25 Beijing to Harbin direct flights are flying from Beijing Capital International Airport (PEK) or Daxing International Airport (PKX) to Harbin Taiping International Airport (HRB) from 06:55 to 22:30. The total flight time is about 2 hours, and the ticket prices range from CNY500 - 1,400.
It is suggested to take the high speed train from Beijing Railway Station or Beijing Chaoyang Railway Station to Harbin Railway Station or West Railway Station if travelers have enough travel time. Usually 17 Beijing to Harbin high speed trains are in service, departing from around 7:30 - 20:00. The duration is about 5-6 hours with the ticket fare of CNY539.5 - 605 for 2nd Class Seat. Although it takes longer time than fights, passengers can appreciate the scenery along the way.
Ticket Prices: CNY539.5 - 605 for Second Class Seat; CNY861.5-939 for 1st Class Seat
For budget travelers, taking normal speed train from Beijing to Harbin is a recommended choice because they can save one night’s accommodation expense. It takes about 10-18 hours on the way, costing CNY409.5-422.5 for a soft sleeper and CNY261.5-268.5 for a hard sleeper. Among the over 10 normal trains, Z203, Z17 and Z15 with a duration of less than 11 hours are more recommended.
Ticket Prices: CNY 152.5 - 156.5 for Hard Seat; CNY 261.5 - 268.5 for Hard Sleeper; CNY 409.5-422.5 for Soft Sleeper
The flight from Harbin to Beijing usually has 2 hours of flying time. And there are about 35 flights per day from Harbin Taiping International Airport (HRB) to Beijing Capital International Airport (PEK) and Daxing International Airport, operating from 07:30 to 22:00. It is advised to purchase flight tickets in advance in order to enjoy some discounts.
Currently, both Harbin Railway Station and West Railway Station operate high speed trains to Beijing Railway Station and Beijing Chaoyang Railway Station directly. From around 7:00 to 17:00, usually 14 high speed trains are in service every day. With a duration of 5-6.5 hours, it is a good choice for passengers without tight schedules.
Ticket Prices: CNY539.5-602.5 for Second Class Seat; CNY861.5-962.5 for 1st Class Seat; CNY1,058-1,900.5 for Business Class Seat
Over 10 Harbin to Beijing normal speed trains are in service from around 17:00 to 22:00 with a duration of 10-18 hours. Among them, Z204, Z16, Z18 and Z84 have a shorter duration of less than 11 hours.
Ticket Prices: CNY 152.5-156.5 for Hard Seat; CNY 261.5-268.5 for Hard Sleeper; CNY 409.5-422.5 for Soft Sleeper
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How to Travel from Beijing to Harbin
1. Fastest Way: Flight: 2 hours on board, CNY500 - 1,400
2. Beijing to Harbin High Speed Train: 5-6h, CNY539.5 - 605 for Second Class Seat

3. Beijing to Harbin Normal Speed Train: 10-18 hours, CNY 261.5 - 268.5 for Hard Sleeper

How to Travel from Harbin to Beijing
1. Fastest Way: Flight: 2 hours on board, CNY600 - 1,500
2. Harbin to Beijing High Speed Train: 5-6.5 hours, CNY539.5-602.5 for Second Class Seat

3. Harbin to Beijing Normal Speed Train: 10-18 hours, CNY 261.5-268.5 for Hard Sleeper

- Last updated on Aug. 29, 2024 by Gabby Li -