Your Ultimate Guide on Enjoying a Mongolian Hotpot
Just like every country has a special dish that it is famous for, Mongolia have it too, and they call it Hotpot. Tourists visiting this incredible country do not leave without trying a hotpot. It is found in almost every street and restaurants, and each one has a different style of serving it. The dish was invented in the Eastern Asia, which came in limelight after the patrons tried their hands by dumping different ingredients in a large pot to prepare a broth until it simmered. The serving style of this is done community-style, where the large pot is placed in the center of the table.
There is saying about this traditional dish that the leaders of Mongolia created the hotpot, and they were inspired after traveling in different regions of the country and trying the food. However, this is sure that hotpot has its original roots in Asian culture.
If you are in Mongolia, or planning to visit Mongolia and want to try a Mongolian Hotpot, then you need a little research and the best part is, you are almost halfway through to discover all about traditional hotpot in Mongolia.
The difference in flavors comes from the variety of broth and the ingredients. The taste really depends on an individual and whether they want a vegetable or a Non-veg broth. The broth is mostly of a different type, starting from watery to thicker and spicier.
Out of all the different kinds of broth used in a Mongolian Hotpot, the broth prepared with chicken is the most basic. It is widely preferred by most of the tourists for its rich and complex flavors. The taste also depends on what kind of vegetable you choose to put in the hotpot. You might think that the hype about the hotpot in this part of the world is even more exaggerated, but let us tell you the hype is completely justified. We listed down the chicken broth first because it is important to plate down information according to the beginners.
Chicken broth Hotpot is a go-to for beginners, the cost of the dish depend on how large you want it to be or if you are planning to take a single Hotpot for the group.
Estimated Cost: $15-$20 dollars per person, the price can vary based on the variety and quantity of vegetable and meat you select.
When it comes to eating meat, you might be skeptical about it being cooked properly, but let us give you the heads up, the meats are sliced thin and it takes about 1-2 min until the meat in the broth is tender. When we mentioned meat, we mean all the varieties, starting with lamb, beef, pork, some organs and even chicken. A meat Hotpot is the best way to get started if you are trying it for the first time. The vegetables, meat tripe, herbs really add up to the funky taste in the broth, but it always ends up tasting delicious.
Estimated Cost: It is hard to tag a specific amount on the meat broth Hotpot because it keeps changing based on the price of the meat in the region. However, you can keep $20-$25 aside to enjoy a steaming hotpot. The amount is calculated person, but the quantity always serves more than one person.
The Mongolian Hotpot with vegetable broth holds the secret in its selection of vegetables. The taste can be altered by choosing the right vegetable and it happens when the vegetables are divided into two categories, the ones that give flavor and the ones that absorb flavors. The list of vegetables are long and the dish is prepared with seasonal vegetables like lettuce, potatoes, mushrooms, carrots, corn, tofu, baby Choy, are a few names out of many.
The selection of the vegetables to absorb the flavor like tofu, bok choy, and the vegetables that give flavors are corn tomatoes.
Estimated cost: The cost of a vegetable Mongolian Hotpot is comparatively lower than the meat broths. The amount can go from $10- $12 per person. The price can vary if you are selecting additional meat with the vegetable broth hotpot.
The traditional Mongolian Hotpot is usually prepared with mutton. If you ever get the chance to look learn the recipe of a traditional Hotpot in Mongolia, do not miss that opportunity. The broth of the traditional Mongolian Hotpot is prepared with the leg of lamb. The chefs slice the legs and boil it in spices until it gives out the authentic aroma. They do use some secret ingredients where they add the firm bean curd and serve it with varieties of dipping sauce, like sesame paste, soy sauce, chilli oil, red rice vinegar, or fermented bean curd.
There are few things you must keep in mind before ordering, the best way to relish a Mongolian Hotpot is to get the ingredients in order and follow the cooking time based on the variety of broth you are ordering. If you want to enjoy the Hotpot, just take an experienced friend along and you can follow the lead.
• You must cook the ingredients and match the pace with your eating.
• Wait for the broth to boil in between batches and be careful while putting the food in your mouth. Do not do it instantly because the items are pulled out from a boiling pot.
• Definitely follow the set cooking time for different ingredients if you want them to cook properly. Since the meat is cut in thin slices, it gets cooked within 1-2 min, while the mushroom can take up to 5 min to get cooked.
• When it comes to instructions, just follow the rule, and handle the utensils well to avoid any accidents with the boiling broth.
• We also suggest you eat the quickly cooked ingredients in the broth while the other ingredients are taking its time.
Note: Most of the time you will find the server balancing the flavors by adding more broth and refreshing the Hotpot. Just do not worry about that because it will only enhance flavors.
• Accept all the food and drinks from your right hand and don’t forget to support your hand with the other one.
• You must cut food towards yourself and not away
• You must never deny anyone offering food, take a sip or taste whatever they are offering. Denying is considered rude in Mongolia
• Drink your tea immediately; do not let it rest on the table for too long
• Hold the cup from the bottom
• Never get up in middle of the meal
• People mostly sit with their legs crossed; legs should be together or folded while eating on the floor
Hope you have a clear idea about ordering and enjoying a delicious Mongolian Hotpot. The prices are not unreal as far as the taste and varieties are concerned, you can relish an average hotpot within $8 minimum to $15 or $20 depending on the ingredients per person.
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There is saying about this traditional dish that the leaders of Mongolia created the hotpot, and they were inspired after traveling in different regions of the country and trying the food. However, this is sure that hotpot has its original roots in Asian culture.
If you are in Mongolia, or planning to visit Mongolia and want to try a Mongolian Hotpot, then you need a little research and the best part is, you are almost halfway through to discover all about traditional hotpot in Mongolia.
Chicken Broth
Chicken broth Hotpot is a go-to for beginners, the cost of the dish depend on how large you want it to be or if you are planning to take a single Hotpot for the group.


The selection of the vegetables to absorb the flavor like tofu, bok choy, and the vegetables that give flavors are corn tomatoes.

Traditional Mongolian Hotpot
How to Eat It?
• You must cook the ingredients and match the pace with your eating.
• Wait for the broth to boil in between batches and be careful while putting the food in your mouth. Do not do it instantly because the items are pulled out from a boiling pot.
• Definitely follow the set cooking time for different ingredients if you want them to cook properly. Since the meat is cut in thin slices, it gets cooked within 1-2 min, while the mushroom can take up to 5 min to get cooked.
• When it comes to instructions, just follow the rule, and handle the utensils well to avoid any accidents with the boiling broth.
• We also suggest you eat the quickly cooked ingredients in the broth while the other ingredients are taking its time.
Note: Most of the time you will find the server balancing the flavors by adding more broth and refreshing the Hotpot. Just do not worry about that because it will only enhance flavors.
Dos & Don’ts at the Table in Mongolia
• You must cut food towards yourself and not away
• You must never deny anyone offering food, take a sip or taste whatever they are offering. Denying is considered rude in Mongolia
• Drink your tea immediately; do not let it rest on the table for too long
• Hold the cup from the bottom
• People mostly sit with their legs crossed; legs should be together or folded while eating on the floor
Hope you have a clear idea about ordering and enjoying a delicious Mongolian Hotpot. The prices are not unreal as far as the taste and varieties are concerned, you can relish an average hotpot within $8 minimum to $15 or $20 depending on the ingredients per person.

- Last updated on Apr. 06, 2021 -