Macau Weather
Having distinctive dry and wet seasons, Macau's weather is generally warm and foggy in spring, hot and rainy in summer, cool and clear in autumn, and cold but sunny in winter. The average annual temperature is about 20°C (72°F) and there are about 100 days with high temperatures over 30°C (86°F). Less than 30 days have an average temperature about 10°C (50°F) in a year.Best Time to Visit Macau
Macau climate from April to October is rainy. May is the rainiest and July to September is the typhoon season. Autumn and winter, especially mid-October to December, are recommended as the best visit times.
7-Day Macau Weather Forecast
Macau Weather by Month
Averages for Macau Weather
High/Low Temperatures of Macau

Average Temperatures of Macau

Average Rainfall of Macau

Macau Climate - Seasons & Travel Advice
Located to the west of the Pearl River (Zhujiang) estuary, between mainland China and the South China Sea, Macau's weather is influenced alternately by the cold northeast monsoon from China's mainland and the southeast and southwest monsoons from the ocean and therefore its climate has the features of both continent and ocean climates.

- Last updated on Jan. 18, 2021 -