Qinhuangdao Weather
7-Day Qinhuangdao Weather Forecast
Averages for Qinhuangdao Weather
High/Low Temperatures of Qinhuangdao

Average Temperatures of Qinhuangdao

Average Rainfall of Qinhuangdao

Air Quality of Qinhuangdao

Qinhuangdao Climate - Seasons & Travel Advice
Qinhuangdao is situated in the hilly eastern end of Yanshan Mountains and plains that lie before the mountain range. From the north to south, the city covers an array of terrain, with mountainous areas, hilly areas, valleys, plains and a coastal region. Three city districts join with Funing and Changli counties to comprise the main tourist zones in coastal area of Qinhuangdao. The area's unique natural landscape boasts a blue sea, golden beach, and thickly forested areas, which create a splendid backdrop for the grand Great Wall and the many beautiful villas on the coast.
Qinhuangdao has a warm, temperate, semi-humid monsoon climate. Strongly affected by the sea, the weather of Qinhuangdao is moderate throughout the year. Spring is a dry season that seldom sees rain. Summer weather is usually warm but not sweltering. Autumns bring clear skies and cool, refreshing days. Winter days are long, but the proximity to the sea removes much of the harsh chill felt in other areas of the country. The annual average temperature is above 10

Summer climate in Qingdao is much cooler than most other cities in China, making it a first class summer resort. May to October is the golden season to visit Beidaihe. Other scenic areas are best visited from June to August, when the natural scenery is at its best.
Beidaihe is a prime location for bird watching. Flocks of birds migrate throughout the winter and spring months. Multitudes of birds arrive in Qinhuangdao in the early days of September and can be observed in the city and from the costal wetlands. The best time of year to bird watch in Beidaihe is in early September.
Most visitors come to this city during the summer months, and the city holds festivals and celebrations primarily geared towards the tourist industry. Celebrations are held at many of the popular scenic spots, and include the Great Wall Festival in Shanhaiguan, the Temple Fair in the Temple of Mengjiangnu, and the Red Wine Festival in Changli County. Qinhuangdao does hold additional events for tourists throughout the year, and will hold many activities in 2008 in preparation for the Beijing Olympics.
- Last updated on Nov. 18, 2021 -