Cola Chicken Wings

Cola Chicken Wings Chinese name: 可乐鸡翅 (kě lè jī chì)

Characteristics: This dish tastes soft, tender and smooth, with an appetizing caramel color.

With a simple recipe, Cola Chicken Wings is a popular home-style dish in southern China.

Chicken wings are rich in fibroblasts which are benefit for blood vessels and skin. They also contain much more vitamin A, necessary for the growth of bones and sperm production, than green peppers.


10-12 chicken wings
250-300ml cola
green onion
cooking wine
soy sauce
sesame oil
white sugar
star anise
Note: the amount of the ingredients especially the seasonings listed above can be appropriately used according to one's personal taste. Meanwhile, most of the seasonings used whole above can't be eaten, but just used as spices, including cinnamon, bay leaf, star anise, cardamom, dried pimiento, prickly ash seeds.
Ingredients of Cola Chicken Wings


A. Clean the chicken wings, and score them symmetrically on both sides. Put into a dish.
B. Clean the green onions, and cut into 2-3 cm long sections. Put into a dish.
C. Clean the ginger, and cut into thin slices. Put into a dish.
Preparation for Cola Chicken Wings




Place the cleaned chicken wings into a basin, and add the cooking wine and half of the green onion sections and ginger slices. Mix well, and leave to marinate for 15-20 minutes.

Marinate the Chicken Wings

Place a wok over high heat until hot. Add some cooking oil, and add the white sugar and stir-fry for 40-50 seconds until the mixture turns reddish-brown and bubbles. Add the marinated chicken wings carefully, and stir-fry them for 20 seconds until they turn yellow. Add the cola and soy sauce, and stir-fry for 2 minutes after which you begin to notice the fragrance.

Color Chicken Wings

Add in the left green onion sections and ginger slices, star anise, cinnamon and cardamom, and stir-fry well. Add in half a bowl of water, and cover it to be stewed over medium heat for 20 minutes when it turns into caramel color. Turn off the heat, and add the sesame oil, stirring well.

Season Chicken Wings

Now, find a fine porcelain plate, remove the cooked mixture from the wok and serve. Finally, a plate of delicious Cola Chicken Wings is complete, waiting for you to enjoy.

Cola Chicken Wings Completed
Our Guests Attending Cooking Class

    Our Guests in a Chinese Kitchen

    Our Guests in a Chinese Kitchen

    On April 7, 2013, Mr. Rodolfo and Ms. Isabel from Philippines took part in our Chinese cooking class during their tour with us in Xi'an. They told us that this was extremely a good idea to introduce foreigners to Chinese basic home food so that they can learn real Chinese people’s life. They learnt from the hostess to cook Cola Chicken Wings, and they were very pleased because it tasted good. Be sure this cooking experience gave them confidence to cook Chinese dishes when they go back home.


    Ms. Joyce Learning to Make Chinese Dumplings

    Ms. Joyce Learning to Make Chinese Dumplings

    On July 6, 2011, Mr. Kent & Ms. Joyce from USA, fans of Chinese food, had a particular experience of learning to cook two Chinese dishes - Cola Chicken Wings & Chinese Dumplings in a local family in Xi'an. In their feedback to us, they highly complimented this ingenious service and would love to recommend us to all their friends.


    Mr. Hinsaf Manadath Habeeb & Mr. Hinfas Manadath Habeeb in a Local Family

    Mr. Hinsaf & Mr. Hinfas in a Local Family

    On Dec. 13, 2010, Mr. Hinsaf & Mr. Hinfas from India joined TravelChinaGuide's face-to-face cooking class family tour in Xi'an. They learned to cook Cola Chicken Wings step by step from the preparation of the ingredents until the final serving at the hospitable hostess' home. They favored the special tour so much that they said they would recommend it to all of their friends who will come to China.

 Further Reading: 

12 Best Chinese Chicken Recipes You Can Try 

10 Quick and Easy Chinese Food Recipes for Beginners

- Last updated on Dec. 02, 2019 -