Gegentala Grassland Pictures

Horse-head musical instrument is a kind of unique ethical one owing to the fact that its top is in the shape of a horse head.
140 kilometers to the north of Hohhot, there is the wide and charming Gegentala Grassland which is an ideal summer resort. As a popular tourist destination, it also attracts a great number of travelers who wish to savour Mongolian culture. Every year, a series of Mongolian festivals are held here when travelers can enjoy the local life by participating some activities. Attraction Intro: Gegentala Grassland
- > Dazhao Temple (7)
- > Five Pagoda Temple (3)
- > Hohhot City & Street Pictures (2)
- > Zhaojun Museum (4)
1 of 18 photos
- Last updated on Jun. 19, 2017 by Gabby Li -