General Analysis

People with the lucky number 1 are independent, ambitious, and creative as well as a little self-centered. As they are so independent, they tend to ignore the feelings of others. They prefer to handle everything themselves instead of turning to others for help or sharing with them. They are destined to have leadership characteristics while it is essential for them to cultivate the mutual trust of friends and colleagues.

Strong points: They are good at leading and organizing group work, so they appear to be fully authoritative in dealing with tough difficulties. Their outstanding creativity often wins high praise. The majority of them are optimistic and generous, which might be their most attractive charm. Also, their wise, independent, and decisive character means they are good examples as enterprising people.

Weak points: They are quite likely to be magisterial, stubborn, and self-centered. So, it is essential for them to learn the virtue of modesty and to share their thoughts with others. They are rigorous and indifferent to matters that have nothing to do with them, which could make their friends unable to bear them. They lack social skills and so fail to communicate with others. However, they have the ability to make great achievements, when they are most needed.
Romantic Relationship
Their love for their partner is real and deep, so they want their partner to feel the great depth of their love and make them a priority in life. However, they are not good at expressing their affections. They are eager to be hugged, flattered and attended by their lovers; otherwise, they will feel frustrated. Due to their independence, they may appear to be indifferent to their lovers at times and lacking in emotion.
They want their lovers to devote their time to them and to treat them like royalty. So, if their lovers react in this way, their relationship will become very harmonious but mutual understanding between lovers is necessary for a lifelong relationship. Only then can they know each other better and try to meet each other’s desires.
Number 1 in Chinese Culture
One is the simplest number, but has the most complex cultural meaning in Chinese culture. It has meaning of the beginning, the origin, and the whole, which first suggested by Lao Zi (a well-known philosopher in ancient China, as well as the founder of
Taoism) in his classic text – Tao Te Ching. Lao Zi philosophically suggests No. One in his understanding of cosmogony (also known as one of the earliest allusions to creation in China) that ‘The Way gave birth to unity; unity gave birth to duality; duality gave birth to trinity and trinity gave birth to the myriad creatures.’ Here the Taoist word ‘Unity’ means ‘1’. This number was also regarded as “the mother of all creatures” by some other Chinese philosophers, and they called it unitary Taiji or Tai Chi (literarily the Supreme Ultimate). Besides,
Confucianism holds that this number is a full entity with impartibility, as well as the symbol of ego and loneliness.
Chinese people respect One for its meaning of the first and winner as the same in Western culture. It is easy to find how people love the word 一 (meaning One) from Chinese ancient literature. They endowed it with many different meanings and even various parts of speech, such as unique, each, same, combined, unified, concentrated, pure, always, and once. There are over 260 phrases and more than 420 idioms beginning with this word in Chinese language system.
In Chinese culture, One is neither auspicious nor inauspicious. The combination with some others numbers have positive meanings, such as 1314. Its pronunciations in Chinese sounds similar to the phrase 一生一世 (lifetime or forever), which is widely used between lovers. Sometimes, 1 (Yi in Chinese pinyin) sounds similarly to the word 'You’(Ni in pinyin). The common use of 5211314 in network language means ‘I love you forever’. 521 simply means ‘I love you’, which is the most beautiful line to all.
- Last updated on Nov. 04, 2024 -