1948 Chinese Zodiac - Earth Rat

Which type of Rat are people born in 1948 Chinese Zodiac Year?

According to Chinese zodiac, 1948 is the year of the Rat. And based on Chinese Five Elements, it belongs to the Earth. So the Rat people born in 1948 are the Earth Rat.

As Chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar, this Earth Rat year is from February 5, 1948 to January 28, 1949. Those people who born from January 1 to February 4 in 1948 are Chinese zodiac Fire Pig.

Lucky Signs for 1948 Earth Rat

Lucky numbers: 2, 3

Lucky colors: blue, gold, green 

2025 Horoscope for Earth Rat Born in 1948

In 2025, people born in 1948 year of the Rat can be very lucky and still have unlimited creativity even at this age. Those who still insist on working may hold an important position in the company. Businessmen may see opportunities. Apart from a fixed pension or wage, it may be difficult for them to get the desired income from investments. However, they already accumulated a lot of wealth, so they would still make a good living. Family life would be happy and harmonious, and the overall atmosphere may be pleasant and comfortable with few quarrels.

In 2025, they could eat a light diet and try to eat as little as possible of junk food, so as to ensure their health. In addition, beware of joint sprains and bruises, and be careful when going out in rainy weather and slippery roads.

 See more about Rat Horoscope in 2025

Personality Traits of the 1948 Chinese Zodiac Rat

People born in 1948 Chinese zodiac Earth Rat year are always very realistic. Therefore, they generally do not gamble or speculate. They always keep their promise and hope that the same would be true for those who dealt with them. In addition, they have strong environmental adaptability and outstanding ability to adapt to changes easily.

However, paying too much attention to reality will make people feel that they are selfish and stingy. Moreover, they are often self-righteous and like to demand others with their own standards and ideas. They are foolhardy and lack long-term vision in doing things.

  See more about Personality of the Rat


Most of the people born in 1948 year of Chinese zodiac Rat have retired at home. But they are likely to gain more fame if those who have worked in officialdom, scientific research or education and culture, most of the fame come from their former disciples or successors who have inherited their skills. For Rat people who want to achieve more in their career, it is suggested that they do not put too much pressure on themselves. They can also help the younger generations to make progress.

 See more about Rat's Best Business and Career Fields, Best Jobs and Working Partners


In their old age, their financial fortunes have tended to be in a balanced state and will not fluctuate any more. The wealth accumulated before enabled them to lead a relatively stable life in their later years. Due to the change of policy, their pension will also be increased. Moreover, they will also receive additional government subsidies and money from their children. But the elderly need to guard against being cheated. Health products must be bought at regular pharmacies if needed.

Love and Relationships

The Earth Rat will live a relatively happy life in the rest of their lives. Through decades of getting along with their spouses, their feelings have become very strong and their children are also very filial. However, they should better get rid of nagging, do not interfere too much in children's affairs, because they have their own way of handling things. They can travel with their lover to accompany them more if circumstances permit.

 See more about Rat's Love Compatibility


Generally speaking, they will live a pretty healthy life. However, with the growth of age, they must prevent the occurrence of senile diseases, such as cerebrovascular diseases, heart diseases and tumor diseases and so on. When exercising, they should do what they can and do not overdo it. Be careful not to fall when walking. Furthermore, it is very necessary to go to the hospital regularly for physical examination.

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- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Grace Yang -