Chinese Embassy in Mozambique

Ambassador: Mr. Wang Hejun
Address: Avenue Julius Nyerere No. 3142, Maputo, Mozambique, Caixa Postal 4668
Tel: +258-21-491560
Fax: +258-21-491196

Consular Office

Tel: +258-21-491560 23603798, 820247528, 08:30- 12:30, 14:30 - 17:30
Office hours: 08:30 - 11:30 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday

China Visa Application

Nationals of Mozanmique need a China visa to enter China Mainland. To Hong Kong, they can stay for no more than 14 days visa free.

To obtain a China visa, citizens of Mozanmique shall first fill in the visa application form online first, then prepare the requirements needed and then submit the visa application to the consular office. Appointment is not needed. 


Basic Requirements for Tourist Visa

1. Passport with at least six months of remaining validity.
2. Visa Application Form and a recently-taken photo (bare-head and full face against a light background attached).
3. Proof of legal stay or residence status (applicable to those not applying for the visa in their country of citizenship).
4. Photocopy of previous Chinese passports or previous Chinese visas (applicable to citizens of Mozambique those who were Chinese citizens and have obtained citizenship of Mozambique).
5. Documents showing the itinerary including air ticket booking record (round trip) and proof of a hotel reservation, etc. or an invitation letter issued by a relevant entity or individual in China. 

 Visa Fees in USD

Nationality / Entry Fees
Mozambique Single Entry 83
Double Enries 124
Multiple Entries within 6 Months 165
Multiple Entries within 12 Months 248
Other Countries Single Entry  23
Double Enries 34
Multiple Entries within 6 Months 45
Multiple Entries within 12 Months 68

 Effective from Dec. 11, 2023 to Dec. 31, 2025. 


Brief Intro

Mozambique is located in the east seashore of Africa with 3/5 of its land area being plateaus and mountains (1/5 is plain area). The plain in northeastern Mozambique is one of the largest plains in the continent. It has tropical savanna climate with warm and humid season (October to March), cool and dry season (April to September).  
Neighboring Countries: Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Swaziland
Land Area: about 799,380 square kilometers (308,642 square miles)
Capital: Maputo     
Time: It is 2 hours earlier than GMT and 6 hours later than Beijing Time. 
Official Language: Portuguese   
Major Religions: indigenous religions, Christianism, Islam      
Currency: centavo, metical  

 Public Holidays:
New Year (January 1), Mozambican Heroes' Day (February 3), Day of Mozambican Women (April 7), Labor Day (May 1), Independence Day (June 25), Victory Day (September 7), Day of the Armed Forces of Mozambique (September 25), National Family Day (December 25)

 Notices for Going to Mozambique
1. Administrations of the issue of visa: Mozambican Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Bureau as well as its embassies and consulates in other countries. 
2. Major types and stay duration permitted or validities:

Types 30 days of stay duration (can be extended to 60 days)
travel Visa Within 90 days
transit Visa Terms of validity: 7 days
Visitor Visa Valid 15 days at least (can be extended to 90 days)
Business Visa Valid 30 days (can be extended to 90 days)
Student Visa Valid 12 months (extension allowed )
Work Visa Valid 30 days (can be extended to 60 days)
3. People with residence permits or from countries having abolition agreement with Mozambique can enter the country without visas. Those holding above visas can apply for residence permit which can be valid 1 year and renewed. 

4. Local immigration bureau should be informed in advance of any changes about foreign citizens' affiliation, personal information and dwelling. Or they will be fined.

 Please contact Embassy of Mozambique in China if Mozambican people have troubles there. 

 Related Chinese Embassies in Africa: Windhoek, Namibia, Niamey, Niger, Abuja, Nigeria
- Last updated on Jan. 17, 2025 by Gabby Li -