Embassy of Palestine in China
Embassy of the State of Palestine in Beijing
Ambassador: H.E. Mr. Diab N M Allouh
Address: No. 2, Dong San Jie, San Li Tun, Chaoyang District
Postal Code: 100600
Tel: (+86)10 6532 3327
Fax: (+86)10 6532 3241

In Palestine, spring is beautiful with the blooming flowers; summer is hot and dry; autumn is agreeable, and winter is moderately cold. The average temperature ranges from 9 to 18 degrees centigrade in winter and from 26 to 30 degrees centigrade in summer. It is advisable that visitors wear the modest clothes in some holy spots.
Palestine offers a variety of lodgings for visitors. The hotels, hospices, bed and breakfast are all available. Bed and Breakfast offers the easy communication and experience with the local families with lower price.
Government offices are open from 08: 00 to 14: 30. Banks are open from 08: 00 to 12: 30, and some banks are reopen from 15: 00 to 17: 00. Most shops are open from 08: 00 to 19: 00.The official weekend is Friday.
Cross-stitch embroidery is one of its ancient artistic works. Women embroider cushions, jackets, ornaments skillfully. The olive trees are abundant in Palestine, so the delicate man-made crafts made of it can be easily bought in the souvenir shops.
The New Israeli Shekel is still in use in Palestine. All major credit cards and travelers checks are in acceptance. The foreign currencies can be easily exchanged at any banks.
Shopping in Palestine is tactful. There are numerous shops in the streets. It is best to bargain with the seller before making the deal. Exotic goods, the local handicrafts, and the imported products are all on offer.
No vaccinations are needed for entering Palestine. Some precautious preparations should be made. Taking the suntan lotion is quite necessary, because you may be sunburnt if you were exposed too much in the sun. Plenty of water and fresh fruits also help you keep energetic. The mosquito net can prevent you from being bitten at night.

- Last updated on Nov. 18, 2020 -