Embassy of Lebanon in China
Embassy of the Republic of Lebanon in Beijing
Ambassador: H.E. Mr. Sleiman RassiAddress: No. 10, Dong Liu Street, San Li Tun, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Postal Code: 100600
Tel: (+86)10 6532 1560, 6532 2197, 6532 3281
Fax: (+86)10 6532 2770
E-mail: Beijing.leb@hotmail.com

You can take a bus to get off at Huadu Hotel bus stop and then walk to the Embassy. The hotel is very close to the Embassy.
The bus routes via Huadu Hotel: No.403, 659 and 688.

Lebanon established diplomatic relations with China on November 9th, 1971. After that, the relations between the two countries develop quite smoothly. China mainly exports electric and mechanic products, advanced technological products, weaved clothes, grains, edible oils, foods, light industry products, etc. In September, 2007, the Journalist Association and Newspapering Association organized a visit to China.

Lebanon is situated in the southwest of Asia, the east bank of the Mediterranean. On the east and north, it adjoins Syria; on the south, it neighbors on Palestine and Israel. Its borderline has a total length of 220 kilometers.
As an Arabic country, the official language of Lebanon is Arabic. French and English is also spoken. 54 % of its citizens believe in Islam. 46% believe in Christianity.
Major festivals: Martyrs' Day (May 6th), Army Day (August 1st), Independence Day (November 22nd). There are a lot of sects in Lebanon. The important festivals of each sect are all regarded as the national legal holidays.
The commerce of Lebanon is well developed. External trade, entrepot trade, tourism and financial business play very important parts in its national economy. Beirut is a free port, where a great number of commodities are transshipped to other Middle Eastern countries.

- Last updated on Apr. 25, 2023 -