Century Glory/Oasis/Victory Cruise Sailing Dates for 2025
If the cruise sailing dates in the following form cannot meet your schedule, please enter the database of our Cruise Calendar 2025 to find the proper one that suits your plan.
Chongqing - Yichang (Downstream)
Dep Day Arr Day Cruise Ship Season 12/03 Wed 15/03 Sat Century Victory Shoulder 15/03 Sat 18/03 Tue Century Oasis Shoulder 16/03 Sun 19/03 Wed Century Glory Shoulder 19/03 Wed 22/03 Sat Century Victory Shoulder 22/03 Sat 25/03 Tue Century Oasis Shoulder 23/03 Sun 26/03 Wed Century Glory Shoulder 26/03 Wed 29/03 Sat Century Victory Shoulder 29/03 Sat 01/04 Tue Century Oasis Shoulder 30/03 Sun 02/04 Wed Century Glory Shoulder 02/04 Wed 05/04 Sat Century Victory High 05/04 Sat 08/04 Tue Century Oasis High 06/04 Sun 09/04 Wed Century Glory High 09/04 Wed 12/04 Sat Century Victory High 12/04 Sat 15/04 Tue Century Oasis High 13/04 Sun 16/04 Wed Century Glory High 16/04 Wed 19/04 Sat Century Victory High 19/04 Sat 22/04 Tue Century Oasis High 20/04 Sun 23/04 Wed Century Glory High 23/04 Wed 26/04 Sat Century Victory High 26/04 Sat 29/04 Tue Century Oasis High 27/04 Sun 30/04 Wed Century Glory High 30/04 Wed 03/05 Sat Century Victory High 03/05 Sat 06/05 Tue Century Oasis High 04/05 Sun 07/05 Wed Century Glory High 07/05 Wed 10/05 Sat Century Victory High 10/05 Sat 13/05 Tue Century Oasis High 11/05 Sun 14/05 Wed Century Glory High 14/05 Wed 17/05 Sat Century Victory High 17/05 Sat 20/05 Tue Century Oasis High 18/05 Sun 21/05 Wed Century Glory High 21/05 Wed 24/05 Sat Century Victory High 24/05 Sat 27/05 Tue Century Oasis High 25/05 Sun 28/05 Wed Century Glory High 28/05 Wed 31/05 Sat Century Victory High 31/05 Sat 03/06 Tue Century Oasis Shoulder 01/06 Sun 04/06 Wed Century Glory Shoulder 04/06 Wed 07/06 Sat Century Victory Shoulder 07/06 Sat 10/06 Tue Century Oasis Shoulder 08/06 Sun 11/06 Wed Century Glory Shoulder 11/06 Wed 14/06 Sat Century Victory Shoulder 14/06 Sat 17/06 Tue Century Oasis Shoulder 15/06 Sun 18/06 Wed Century Glory Shoulder 18/06 Wed 21/06 Sat Century Victory Shoulder 21/06 Sat 24/06 Tue Century Oasis Shoulder 22/06 Sun 25/06 Wed Century Glory Shoulder 25/06 Wed 28/06 Sat Century Victory Shoulder 28/06 Sat 01/07 Tue Century Oasis Shoulder 29/06 Sun 02/07 Wed Century Glory Shoulder 02/07 Wed 05/07 Sat Century Victory High 05/07 Sat 08/07 Tue Century Oasis High 06/07 Sun 09/07 Wed Century Glory High 09/07 Wed 12/07 Sat Century Victory High 12/07 Sat 15/07 Tue Century Oasis High 13/07 Sun 16/07 Wed Century Glory High 16/07 Wed 19/07 Sat Century Victory High 19/07 Sat 22/07 Tue Century Oasis High 20/07 Sun 23/07 Wed Century Glory High Dep Day Arr Day Cruise Ship Season 23/07 Wed 26/07 Sat Century Victory High 26/07 Sat 29/07 Tue Century Oasis High 27/07 Sun 30/07 Wed Century Glory High 30/07 Wed 02/08 Sat Century Victory High 02/08 Sat 05/08 Tue Century Oasis High 03/08 Sun 06/08 Wed Century Glory High 06/08 Wed 09/08 Sat Century Victory High 09/08 Sat 12/08 Tue Century Oasis High 10/08 Sun 13/08 Wed Century Glory High 13/08 Wed 16/08 Sat Century Victory High 16/08 Sat 19/08 Tue Century Oasis High 17/08 Sun 20/08 Wed Century Glory High 20/08 Wed 23/08 Sat Century Victory High 23/08 Sat 26/08 Tue Century Oasis High 24/08 Sun 27/08 Wed Century Glory High 27/08 Wed 30/08 Sat Century Victory High 30/08 Sat 02/09 Tue Century Oasis High 31/08 Sun 03/09 Wed Century Glory High 03/09 Wed 06/09 Sat Century Victory Shoulder 06/09 Sat 09/09 Tue Century Oasis Shoulder 07/09 Sun 10/09 Wed Century Glory Shoulder 10/09 Wed 13/09 Sat Century Victory Shoulder 13/09 Sat 16/09 Tue Century Oasis Shoulder 14/09 Sun 17/09 Wed Century Glory Shoulder 17/09 Wed 20/09 Sat Century Victory Shoulder 20/09 Sat 23/09 Tue Century Oasis Shoulder 21/09 Sun 24/09 Wed Century Glory Shoulder 24/09 Wed 27/09 Sat Century Victory Shoulder 27/09 Sat 30/09 Tue Century Oasis Shoulder 28/09 Sun 01/10 Wed Century Glory Shoulder 01/10 Wed 04/10 Sat Century Victory High 04/10 Sat 07/10 Tue Century Oasis High 05/10 Sun 08/10 Wed Century Glory High 08/10 Wed 11/10 Sat Century Victory High 11/10 Sat 14/10 Tue Century Oasis High 12/10 Sun 15/10 Wed Century Glory High 15/10 Wed 18/10 Sat Century Victory High 18/10 Sat 21/10 Tue Century Oasis High 19/10 Sun 22/10 Wed Century Glory High 22/10 Wed 25/10 Sat Century Victory High 25/10 Sat 28/10 Tue Century Oasis High 26/10 Sun 29/10 Wed Century Glory High 29/10 Wed 01/11 Sat Century Victory High 01/11 Sat 04/11 Tue Century Oasis Shoulder 02/11 Sun 05/11 Wed Century Glory Shoulder 05/11 Wed 08/11 Sat Century Victory Shoulder 08/11 Sat 11/11 Tue Century Oasis Shoulder 09/11 Sun 12/11 Wed Century Glory Shoulder 12/11 Wed 15/11 Sat Century Victory Shoulder 15/11 Sat 18/11 Tue Century Oasis Shoulder 16/11 Sun 19/11 Wed Century Glory Shoulder 19/11 Wed 22/11 Sat Century Victory Shoulder 22/11 Sat 25/11 Tue Century Oasis Shoulder 23/11 Sun 26/11 Wed Century Glory Shoulder 26/11 Wed 29/11 Sat Century Victory Shoulder 29/11 Sat 02/12 Tue Century Oasis Shoulder 30/11 Sun 03/12 Wed Century Glory Shoulder
Yichang - Chongqing (Upstream)
Dep Day Arr Day Cruise Ship Season 15/03 Sat 19/03 Wed Century Victory Shoulder 18/03 Tue 22/03 Sat Century Oasis Shoulder 19/03 Wed 23/03 Sun Century Glory Shoulder 22/03 Sat 26/03 Wed Century Victory Shoulder 25/03 Tue 29/03 Sat Century Oasis Shoulder 26/03 Wed 30/03 Sun Century Glory Shoulder 29/03 Sat 02/04 Wed Century Victory Shoulder 01/04 Tue 05/04 Sat Century Oasis High 02/04 Wed 06/04 Sun Century Glory High 05/04 Sat 09/04 Wed Century Victory High 08/04 Tue 12/04 Sat Century Oasis High 09/04 Wed 13/04 Sun Century Glory High 12/04 Sat 16/04 Wed Century Victory High 15/04 Tue 19/04 Sat Century Oasis High 16/04 Wed 20/04 Sun Century Glory High 19/04 Sat 23/04 Wed Century Victory High 22/04 Tue 26/04 Sat Century Oasis High 23/04 Wed 27/04 Sun Century Glory High 26/04 Sat 30/04 Wed Century Victory High 29/04 Tue 03/05 Sat Century Oasis High 30/04 Wed 04/05 Sun Century Glory High 03/05 Sat 07/05 Wed Century Victory High 06/05 Tue 10/05 Sat Century Oasis High 07/05 Wed 11/05 Sun Century Glory High 10/05 Sat 14/05 Wed Century Victory High 13/05 Tue 17/05 Sat Century Oasis High 14/05 Wed 18/05 Sun Century Glory High 17/05 Sat 21/05 Wed Century Victory High 20/05 Tue 24/05 Sat Century Oasis High 21/05 Wed 25/05 Sun Century Glory High 24/05 Sat 28/05 Wed Century Victory High 27/05 Tue 31/05 Sat Century Oasis High 28/05 Wed 01/06 Sun Century Glory High 31/05 Sat 04/06 Wed Century Victory High 03/06 Tue 07/06 Sat Century Oasis Shoulder 04/06 Wed 08/06 Sun Century Glory Shoulder 07/06 Sat 11/06 Wed Century Victory Shoulder 10/06 Tue 14/06 Sat Century Oasis Shoulder 11/06 Wed 15/06 Sun Century Glory Shoulder 14/06 Sat 18/06 Wed Century Victory Shoulder 17/06 Tue 21/06 Sat Century Oasis Shoulder 18/06 Wed 22/06 Sun Century Glory Shoulder 21/06 Sat 25/06 Wed Century Victory Shoulder 24/06 Tue 28/06 Sat Century Oasis Shoulder 25/06 Wed 29/06 Sun Century Glory Shoulder 28/06 Sat 02/07 Wed Century Victory Shoulder 01/07 Tue 05/07 Sat Century Oasis High 02/07 Wed 06/07 Sun Century Glory High 05/07 Sat 09/07 Wed Century Victory High 08/07 Tue 12/07 Sat Century Oasis High 09/07 Wed 13/07 Sun Century Glory High 12/07 Sat 16/07 Wed Century Victory High 15/07 Tue 19/07 Sat Century Oasis High 16/07 Wed 20/07 Sun Century Glory High 19/07 Sat 23/07 Wed Century Victory High 22/07 Tue 26/07 Sat Century Oasis High 23/07 Wed 27/07 Sun Century Glory High Dep Day Arr Day Cruise Ship Season 26/07 Sat 30/07 Wed Century Victory High 29/07 Tue 02/08 Sat Century Oasis High 30/07 Wed 03/08 Sun Century Glory High 02/08 Sat 06/08 Wed Century Victory High 05/08 Tue 09/08 Sat Century Oasis High 06/08 Wed 10/08 Sun Century Glory High 09/08 Sat 13/08 Wed Century Victory High 12/08 Tue 16/08 Sat Century Oasis High 13/08 Wed 17/08 Sun Century Glory High 16/08 Sat 20/08 Wed Century Victory High 19/08 Tue 23/08 Sat Century Oasis High 20/08 Wed 24/08 Sun Century Glory High 23/08 Sat 27/08 Wed Century Victory High 26/08 Tue 30/08 Sat Century Oasis High 27/08 Wed 31/08 Sun Century Glory High 30/08 Sat 03/09 Wed Century Victory High 02/09 Tue 06/09 Sat Century Oasis Shoulder 03/09 Wed 07/09 Sun Century Glory Shoulder 06/09 Sat 10/09 Wed Century Victory Shoulder 09/09 Tue 13/09 Sat Century Oasis Shoulder 10/09 Wed 14/09 Sun Century Glory Shoulder 13/09 Sat 17/09 Wed Century Victory Shoulder 16/09 Tue 20/09 Sat Century Oasis Shoulder 17/09 Wed 21/09 Sun Century Glory Shoulder 20/09 Sat 24/09 Wed Century Victory Shoulder 23/09 Tue 27/09 Sat Century Oasis Shoulder 24/09 Wed 28/09 Sun Century Glory Shoulder 27/09 Sat 01/10 Wed Century Victory Shoulder 30/09 Tue 04/10 Sat Century Oasis Shoulder 01/10 Wed 05/10 Sun Century Glory High 04/10 Sat 08/10 Wed Century Victory High 07/10 Tue 11/10 Sat Century Oasis High 08/10 Wed 12/10 Sun Century Glory High 11/10 Sat 15/10 Wed Century Victory High 14/10 Tue 18/10 Sat Century Oasis High 15/10 Wed 19/10 Sun Century Glory High 18/10 Sat 22/10 Wed Century Victory High 21/10 Tue 25/10 Sat Century Oasis High 22/10 Wed 26/10 Sun Century Glory High 25/10 Sat 29/10 Wed Century Victory High 28/10 Tue 01/11 Sat Century Oasis High 29/10 Wed 02/11 Sun Century Glory High 01/11 Sat 05/11 Wed Century Victory Shoulder 04/11 Tue 08/11 Sat Century Oasis Shoulder 05/11 Wed 09/11 Sun Century Glory Shoulder 08/11 Sat 12/11 Wed Century Victory Shoulder 11/11 Tue 15/11 Sat Century Oasis Shoulder 12/11 Wed 16/11 Sun Century Glory Shoulder 15/11 Sat 19/11 Wed Century Victory Shoulder 18/11 Tue 22/11 Sat Century Oasis Shoulder 19/11 Wed 23/11 Sun Century Glory Shoulder 22/11 Sat 26/11 Wed Century Victory Shoulder 25/11 Tue 29/11 Sat Century Oasis Shoulder 26/11 Wed 30/11 Sun Century Glory Shoulder 29/11 Sat 03/12 Wed Century Victory Shoulder 02/12 Tue 06/12 Sat Century Oasis Shoulder 03/12 Wed 07/12 Sun Century Glory Shoulder
Note: The above cruise sailing date has included the pre-boarding night on the cruise ship.