Nujiang Travel Guide

Nujiang Facts

Chinese Name: 怒江傈僳族自治州 (nù jiāng lì sù zú zì zhì zhōu)
Population: 557,000
Area: 14,703 square kilometers (5,677 square miles)
Location: in the northwest of Yunnan, southwest China
Administrative Division: 1 county-level city (Lushui); 1 county (Fugong); 2 autonomous counties (Gongshan Dulong and Nu Autonomous County, Lanping Bai and Primi Autonomous County)  
Area Code: 0886
Zip Code: 673200
GDP (2019): CNY 19.251 billion (USD 2.790 billion)
Nationalities: Han, Lisu, Nu, Dulong, Pumi, Bai

Highlighting Nujiang Valley

Situated in the northwest of Yunnan Province, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture neighbors Lijiang, Diqing and Dali to the east. It is also bordered by Tibet to the north and shares a boundary of nearly 450 kilometers (280 miles) with Burma to the west. Nujiang has a unique canyon landform. Grand canyons shaped by Dulong River, Nu River and Lancang River extend through Nujiang from north to south. The Nujiang Valley in the northwest of Yunnan is the longest, most mysterious and most beautiful valley in Yunnan. Nujiang is also a multi-ethnic area with a long history where Lisu, Nu and Dulong and other ethnic people live together. Unique customs, songs, dances, costumes, architecture and diets have been formed. There are many beautiful and idyllic ethnic villages, the First Bend of Nujiang River, Tibetan Buddhist temples and churches in Bingzhongluo.

Attractions - Things to Do

 Nu River Gorges: Nujiang Prefecture contains three parallel longitudinal rivers, Nu River, Lancang River and Dulong River. Among the magical gorges formed by the rivers, Nu River Gorges is the most spectacular. The part of the gorge in Yunan is over 600 kilometers (373 miles) long. With picturesque lofty mountains, virgin forests, river rapids and snowscape in spring and winter, the gorge is the most breathtaking example in the world. The Stone Moon is another spectacle in the gorge. It sits on a rocky peak of Gaoligong Mountain. Looking from a distance from the highway, visitors can sea a clear moon hanging in the sky. Actually, it is an elliptic rock hole about 100 meters (328 feet) high on a mountain peak. 600 meters (656 yards) from Fengxue Yakou (mountain mouth of wind and snow) stands the magical Tingming Lake. When people speak around the lake, it will rain or hail.

 The Dulong Gorge is regarded as a natural museum of wild plants. It is located in the boundary area between northwestern Yunnan and Burma with the Gaogongli Mountain on the eastern bank. This little-known gorge is completely isolated from the outside world when snow blocks the way from October to May. 

 Bingzhongluo is a township on the border of Gongshan Autonomous County and Tibet. It is spoken of as the Shangrila of Nujiang Prefecture. Nu, Tibetan and Dulong ethnic minorities live there. Primitive religions, Lamaism and Christianity coexist among those minorities.      

How to Get to Nujiang

There are three main routes to Nujiang. Visitors can take buses from Kunming directly to Liuku Town or Gongshan County of Nujiang. Regular buses are available from Kunming Passenger Transportation Bus Station at the south end of Beijing Lu, neighboring Nanyao Railway Station. Liuku is about 581 kilometers (361 miles) from Kunming. The whole journey takes 13 hours. 

Visitors can get to Baoshan and Dali by air first, and then change to buses to Liuku. Dali is about eight hours' drive to Liuku, and four hours from Baoshan.



Enjoying a plateau monsoon climate at low altitude, Nujiang is characterized by clear dry and wet seasons, great temperature difference between day and night and small temperature difference during the whole year. Due to the landform and altitude, it is colder in its northern part and warmer in the south. September is the best time to visit here, just after the rainy season. 

Nujiang Travel Tips

 History: Yunnan, especially the western part, is an important cultural source of ancient China, and Nujiang Prefecture was the hometown of many primitive tribes. Along with many regions in Yunnan, this area was brought under the administration of the central government in the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-24AD), and was later governed by Nanzhao (738-937) and Dali (937-1253) states during the Tang and Song dynasties. Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Region was established in 1954 and changed to a prefecture three years later.
 Physical Features: Lying in the longitudinal valley area of Hengduan Mountains in western Yunnan, Nujiang is made up of lofty mountains and roaring rivers, with more than forty peaks in the prefecture over 4,000 (13,123) meters high. Its terrain generally slopes downward from north to south. Other than a small area of flat land on the fringe, Lancang and Dulong rivers, mountainous regions constitute the main part of the area.

 Local Highlights: This area is the only autonomous prefecture for Lisu ethnic minority. Nu and Dulong are minority groups unique to this region. Lanping Bai and Primi Autonomous County is the main community of Primi. People of ethnic minorities still maintain their traditional culture and customs.     

 Special Local Products: braided rug of Dulong ethnic minority, sumac, herbs, marble

- Last updated on Jul. 22, 2024 by Brenda Lian -
Questions & Answers on Nujiang Travel
Asked by PILZERGI | Nov. 23, 2019 12:36Reply
Conditions of new road from Gongshan to Deqin
I asked earlier if there was bus service from Gongshan to Deqin and the answer I got was no. Is this because the new road is in really bad shape? Just curious, are there vans that travel between Deqin and Gongshan? What condition is this road in? I am thinking about trying to bike that road this coming summer.
Answers (1)
Answered by Mathew from MALAYSIA | Nov. 25, 2019 18:33

The road is located in a treacherous terrain, with a complex natural environment. And there are high chances having landslide in rainy season. There are trucks moving between the two places.
Asked by George from USA | Nov. 12, 2019 19:27Reply
Is there bus service on new road from Deqin to Gongshan?
Answers (1)
Answered by Gabriella from FRANCE | Nov. 14, 2019 23:04

As I know, there is no bus on new road from Deqin to Gongshan.
Asked by Jill from AUSTRALIA | Aug. 09, 2017 21:20Reply
Are there hotels in Lushui, Fugong and Gongshan now?!
I am hoping to travel along the Nu Jiang valley in a weeks time. Also are there minibuses? Thanks
Answers (1)
Answered by Liela from USA | Aug. 10, 2017 05:25

Yes, many hotels are in the three places.
Lushui: Nujiang Hotel in Nujiang Avenue, right beside Tongxin Square and Nujiang Tianyue Business Hotel, 187 South Xiangyang Rd.
Fugong: Yijingyuan Business Hotel, 58 South Shangpa Street and Fuqiao Business Hotel, 16 South Shangpa Street.
Gongshan: Xiagu Hotel, 212 Cikai Rd and Lijing Hotel, 59 Shimen Street.
It’s a little hard to charter one minibus to go through all the places, you are suggested to charter different cars from local.
Asked by Jack from USA | Sep. 05, 2014 17:25Reply
Accommodations in Nujiang prefacture in Yunnan
We are a party four. We are looking for budget accommodations in the Autonomous Prefecture in February / March 2015 including Baoshan and Tengchong region, more specifically between February 23 and March 5. Could you please suggest some hostels/hotels with larger rooms which can accommodate up to 4 people? I would be grateful if you can provide information regarding price etc or give me telephone numbers of such establishments.
Thanking you
Answers (1)
Answered by Ian from QATAR | Sep. 05, 2014 20:47

Hotels in Baoshan
Jinxi Hotel
No. 100 of Tongren Street, Longyang District
Longyang Hotel
No. 39 of Jiulong Road, Longyang District

In Tengchong
Home Inn
No. 178 of Middle Nanfang Road.
Jimei Holiday Inn
Located at Rehai Road.

All these hotels are about CNY 150 for a economical room.
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