Qingdao Weather in November

Entering winter, Qingdao weather in November gets colder and colder. The average high temperature is 12°C (54°F) and the average low temperature can be 6°C (42.8°F) for night. There will be little rainfall in November. On some days, the wind blows strongly and bitterly cold. It could be warmer if there is no wind.

But it is the off traveling season in Qingdao and the prices of hotels, attractions and restaurants are lower.

Averages for Qingdao Weather in November

Temperature: 9°C / 48°F
High Temperature: 12°C / 54°F
Low Temperature: 6°C / 43°F
Humidity: 64
Rainfall: 28 mm
Rainy Days: 5 days
Sunrise: 06:21 ~ 06:49
Sunset: 16:44 ~ 17:03
Air Quality in November
Average AQI:56
Qingdao Air Quality in November

What to Wear in Qingdao in November

Considering the cold climate, preparing some warm clothes is necessary, such as padded jacket, sweater and winter pants. If you are going to the beach or the mountain, remeber to bring the windbreaker. Putting on your hats, scarfs and warm shoes are also good choice if you can’t stand the coldness.
Qingdao Clothes in November November Wear in Qingdao

Where to Go in Qingdao in November

If you want to see the beautiful scenery of falling leaves being taken down by the wind in early November, Badaguan is where you can go. It is one of the best places for taking photos with many special buildings and charming landscapes. The hot spring in Li Village is a good place to have a bath. It’s comfortable to spend time in hot water in the cold days. Apart from those outdoor scenic spots, there are also many indoor attractions, such as Beer Museum, Underwater World and Qingdao Polar Ocean World worth going.


Other Tips

Take some skin care products and a lip balm for the weather is cold and dry. Prepare some medicines in case of having a cold.

What is the temperature in Qingdao in November?

High/Low Temperatures of Qingdao in November
Temperatures Graph of Qingdao in November
Air Quality of Qingdao in November
Qingdao AQI Graph in November

Historical Qingdao Weather in November

Nov Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 16.3°C / 61.3°F 9.5°C / 49.1°F 06:21 / 17:03 49
2 16.1°C / 60.9°F 9.3°C / 48.7°F 06:22 / 17:02 54
3 15.8°C / 60.4°F 9°C / 48.2°F 06:23 / 17:01 58
4 15.6°C / 60°F 8.8°C / 47.8°F 06:24 / 17:00 64
5 15.3°C / 59.5°F 8.5°C / 47.3°F 06:25 / 16:59 72
6 15°C / 59°F 8.2°C / 46.7°F 06:26 / 16:58 55
7 14.7°C / 58.4°F 8°C / 46.4°F 06:27 / 16:57 46
8 14.5°C / 58.1°F 7.7°C / 45.8°F 06:28 / 16:57 70
9 14.2°C / 57.5°F 7.4°C / 45.3°F 06:29 / 16:56 55
10 13.9°C / 57°F 7.2°C / 44.9°F 06:30 / 16:55 50
11 13.6°C / 56.4°F 6.9°C / 44.4°F 06:31 / 16:54 66
12 13.3°C / 55.9°F 6.6°C / 43.8°F 06:32 / 16:53 50
13 13°C / 55.4°F 6.3°C / 43.3°F 06:33 / 16:52 49
14 12.7°C / 54.8°F 6°C / 42.8°F 06:34 / 16:52 56
15 12.4°C / 54.3°F 5.8°C / 42.4°F 06:35 / 16:51 55
16 12.1°C / 53.7°F 5.7°C / 42.2°F 06:36 / 16:50 48
17 11.8°C / 53.2°F 5.5°C / 41.9°F 06:37 / 16:50 41
18 11.5°C / 52.7°F 5.2°C / 41.3°F 06:38 / 16:49 37
19 11.3°C / 52.3°F 5°C / 41°F 06:39 / 16:49 41
20 11°C / 51.8°F 4.7°C / 40.4°F 06:40 / 16:48 43
21 10.7°C / 51.2°F 4.4°C / 39.9°F 06:41 / 16:48 76
22 10.4°C / 50.7°F 4.2°C / 39.5°F 06:42 / 16:47 39
23 10.1°C / 50.1°F 3.9°C / 39°F 06:43 / 16:47 54
24 9.9°C / 49.8°F 3.6°C / 38.4°F 06:44 / 16:46 50
25 9.6°C / 49.2°F 3.4°C / 38.1°F 06:45 / 16:46 46
26 9.3°C / 48.7°F 3.2°C / 37.7°F 06:46 / 16:45 69
27 9.1°C / 48.3°F 2.9°C / 37.2°F 06:47 / 16:45 50
28 8.8°C / 47.8°F 2.7°C / 36.8°F 06:48 / 16:45 58
29 8.6°C / 47.4°F 2.5°C / 36.5°F 06:48 / 16:45 64
30 8.4°C / 47.1°F 2.2°C / 35.9°F 06:49 / 16:44 71
- Last updated on Nov. 06, 2019 -
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