Nanjing Weather in August

Nanjing weather in August is pretty hot with an average temperature of 27°C (81°F). The highest temperature can reach 38°C (110.4°F) in the midday. In addition, there is a lot of rainfall in August, and the average humidity is 81%.

Hot and muggy climate is not ideal for travel. However, August is still a high travel season for it is the summer vacation time in China. Many students and people have spare time to visit Nanjing during this time. So tourists who plan to travel in this month should book hotel, flight ticket or train ticket in advance before visiting.

Averages for Nanjing Weather in August

Temperature: 27°C / 81°F
High Temperature: 32°C / 90°F
Low Temperature: 24°C / 75°F
Humidity: 81%
Rainfall: 129 mm
Rainy Days: 11 days
Sunrise: 05:20 ~ 05:39
Sunset: 18:31 ~ 19:03
Air Quality in August
Average AQI:40
Nanjing Air Quality in August

What to Wear in Nanjing in August

Summer clothes are advised for the August climate in Nanjing. Short sleeved T-shirt, short pants, skirts, sports shoes and sandals are enough. You’d better take an umbrella or a raincoat for rainy days. In addition, sun umbrella is necessary for the noonday sun.
Nanjing Clothes in August August Wear in Nanjing

Where to Go in Nanjing in August

Although Nanjing in August is so hot, more and more trees are planted in the city to provide shades. Xuanwu Lake is a beautiful scenic spot that you cannot be missed in Nanjing. Besides, it is a good time to enjoy the lotus flower here in summer, where the leaves unfold over a large area in the lake. Sometimes lotus flowers look better on rainy days for that glistening dewdrops are on the petals and leaves. Qinhuai River, the mother river of Nanjing, is also a spot deserves your visit. By taking travel boat, tourists can appreciate the architectures and beautiful scenes alongside. The Presidential Palace of Qing Dynasty used to be the office of four provinces. In late 1990s, it has been changed into the biggest modern history museum in China.

Other Tips

When traveling in hot weather, you need to take measures to sunburn. Do not forget to wear sun-blocking cream, sunglasses and hat to protect your skin from UV rays. Drink plenty of water and have a proper rest while traveling. It is also necessary to pay attention to the weather forecast before departure, and remember to take an umbrella with you to cope with unexpected rains.

What is the temperature in Nanjing in August?

High/Low Temperatures of Nanjing in August
Temperatures Graph of Nanjing in August
Air Quality of Nanjing in August
Nanjing AQI Graph in August

Historical Nanjing Weather in August

Aug  Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High Low 
1 33.1°C / 91.5°F 25.4°C / 77.7°F 05:20 / 19:03 65
2 33.2°C / 91.7°F 25.5°C / 77.9°F 05:21 / 19:02 66
3 33.3°C / 91.9°F 25.5°C / 77.9°F 05:21 / 19:01 66
4 33.3°C / 91.9°F 25.5°C / 77.9°F 05:22 / 19:00 71
5 33.3°C / 91.9°F 25.5°C / 77.9°F 05:23 / 18:59 71
6 33.3°C / 91.9°F 25.5°C / 77.9°F 05:23 / 18:58 59
7 33.3°C / 91.9°F 25.6°C / 78°F 05:24 / 18:58 67
8 33.3°C / 91.9°F 25.6°C / 78°F 05:25 / 18:57 72
9 33.3°C / 91.9°F 25.6°C / 78°F 05:25 / 18:56 70
10 33.2°C / 91.7°F 25.5°C / 77.9°F 05:26 / 18:55 92
11 33.2°C / 91.7°F 25.5°C / 77.9°F 05:27 / 18:54 82
12 33.1°C / 91.5°F 25.5°C / 77.9°F 05:27 / 18:53 75
13 33°C / 91.4°F 25.5°C / 77.9°F 05:28 / 18:52 57
14 33°C / 91.4°F 25.5°C / 77.9°F 05:29 / 18:51 61
15 32.9°C / 91.2°F 25.4°C / 77.7°F 05:29 / 18:50 63
16 32.8°C / 91°F 25.4°C / 77.7°F 05:30 / 18:49 55
17 32.7°C / 90.8°F 25.3°C / 77.5°F 05:31 / 18:47 49
18 32.6°C / 90.6°F 25.3°C / 77.5°F 05:31 / 18:46 56
19 32.5°C / 90.5°F 25.2°C / 77.3°F 05:32 / 18:45 67
20 32.4°C / 90.3°F 25.1°C / 77.1°F 05:32 / 18:44 64
21 32.3°C / 90.1°F 25°C / 77°F 05:33 / 18:43 66
22 32.2°C / 89.9°F 24.9°C / 76.8°F 05:34 / 18:42 53
23 32.1°C / 89.7°F 24.8°C / 76.6°F 05:34 / 18:41 54
24 32°C / 89.6°F 24.7°C / 76.4°F 05:35 / 18:40 61
25 31.9°C / 89.4°F 24.7°C / 76.4°F 05:36 / 18:38 72
26 31.8°C / 89.2°F 24.6°C / 76.2°F 05:36 / 18:37 66
27 31.7°C / 89°F 24.4°C / 75.9°F 05:37 / 18:36 62
28 31.5°C / 88.7°F 24.3°C / 75.7°F 05:38 / 18:35 84
29 31.4°C / 88.5°F 24.2°C / 75.5°F 05:38 / 18:34 61
30 31.2°C / 88.1°F 24.1°C / 75.3°F 05:39 / 18:32 63
31 31.1°C / 87.9°F 24°C / 75.2°F 05:39 / 18:31 70
- Last updated on May. 27, 2020 -