Changchun Travel Tips

Population: 7,240,000
Area: 20,751 square kolimeters (about 8,012 square miles)
Area code: 0431
Zip code: 130000
Nickname: City of Cars

Useful phone numbers:

Tourist complaints phone line of Changchun Tourism Administration: 0431-89822014
Information Inquiries Phone line of Changchun Railway: 0432-2585
Information Inquiries Phone line of Changchun Airline: 0432-2580
Emergence call (police): 110
Information directory desk: 114
Fire: 119
Ambulance: 120
Express Mail Service (EMS): 185


In most of big shopping malls there are ATMs for your convenience and almost all the business centers you can find 24-hour-self-help banks. As a rule most banks close at half past four in the afternoon.

Bank of China 
Address: No.42 Tongzhi Jie


Northeast Normal University
Address: No.5268, Renmin Dajie

Jilin University
Address: No.10, Qianwei Lu

Changchun University
Address: No.6543, Weixing Lu

Post Office

Changchun Post Office (General)
Address: No.18, Renmin Dajie

Internet and Communication

There are a great many internet cafes in the city with the average fee for internet access being about 2 Yuan per hour, however larger cafes (with more than 100 computers) will cost a little more, about 3 Yuan per hour. Areas around universities and colleges are where are the greatest number of internet cafes are located. You can also find internet cafes in some big shopping malls, but these are fairly expensive at between 5-10 Yuan per hour. Usually you cannot enjoy a very fast connection speed in small cafes, therefore large bars are highly recommended for their excellent facilities and comfortable environment.

Some big internet bars
Fuhao Internet Club
Address: No.27, Huinan Jie, Chaoyang District

Fengyue Internet Club
Address: No.8, Yongchang Lu

Yingtu Internet Club
Address: 3/F, Tonglian Dasha, Tongzhi Jie

As the capital of Jilin Province, Changchun is favored with good communications. Mobile phones are prevalently used here; therefore signal and related services are very good. However in remote rural or mountainous areas like Changbai Mountain, there will be no mobile phone signal. You can find customer service centers for well-known cell phone brands, such as Nokia, Motorola.

- Last updated on Jan. 13, 2025 -