Suzhou Weather in February

Suzhou Weather in February is a little bit cold as it is still in the winter. Compared with that in January, the climate is a little warmer, but humid. There are many cloudy days in this month and it rains from time to time. The average temperature during the day is up to 22°C (71.6 °F) and it is -2°C (28.4 °F) during the night. In short, it is cold in the morning and evening.

The Chinese New Year and Lantern Festival may coincide with the beginning of February, so tourists have a chance upon the traditional Chinese culture and partake in the activities when going to Suzhou.

Averages for Suzhou Weather in February

Temperature: 5°C / 41°F
High Temperature: 9°C / 48°F
Low Temperature: 2°C / 36°F
Humidity: 72%
Rainfall: 59 mm
Rainy Days: 7 days
Sunrise: 06:26 ~ 06:51
Sunset: 17:32 ~ 17:54
Air Quality in February
Average AQI:48
Suzhou Air Quality in February

What to Wear in Suzhou in February

A sweater and a windproof jacket are usually perfect for daytime travel. A heavy overcoat is preferable for the morning and evening. One should bring extra clothing for changing as laundry is hard to dry in these humid days.
Suzhou Clothes in February February Wear in Suzhou

Where to Go in Suzhou in February

February in Suzhou is a good time to view plum flower blossoms. The ideal place to go should be Mt. Dengwei located in Guangfu Ancient Town, 28km (17 miles) west from the downtown area of Suzhou. On Mt. Dengwei, tourists can take in the Sea of Fragrant Snow where a lot of plum flowers are in full blossom. It is said that plum flowers on Mt. Dengwei are the best under heaven, so it should never be missed. Tourists can also go to the Guanqian Street to mingle with the local's daily life and enjoy the delicious food.
Guanqian StreetGuanqian Street
Lion DanceLion Dance

Top 10 Things to Do in Suzhou

Other Tips

Generally, February is an off-season month for tourism, so going there in this month can save you some travel expenses. It is highly recommended for budget travelers. You should dress properly all the time, and make full preparation for the big temperature difference between day and night, the humid climate and rainy days. An umbrella should be taken with you whenever you go out. Train or air tickets should be reserved in advance to stagger the holidays during Chinese New Year and Lantern Festival. In addition, visitors are advised to wear antiskid shoes when going out as the road or stone steps may be slippery after rain.

What is the temperature in Suzhou in February?

High/Low Temperatures of Suzhou in February
Temperatures Graph of Suzhou in February
Air Quality of Suzhou in February
Suzhou AQI Graph in February

Historical Suzhou Weather in February

Feb  Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High Low 
1 8.5°C / 47.3°F 1.8 °C / 35.2°F 06:51 / 17:32 72
2 8.7 °C / 47.7°F 1.9 °C / 35.4°F 06:50 / 17:33 35
3 8.8°C / 47.8°F 2°C / 35.6°F 06:49 / 17:34 48
4 9°C / 48.2°F 2.1°C / 35.8°F 06:49 / 17:35 52
5 9.2 °C / 48.6°F 2.2 °C / 36°F 06:48 / 17:36 41
6 9.3 °C / 48.7°F 2.3 °C / 36.1°F 06:47 / 17:37 40
7 9.5 °C / 49.1°F 2.4°C / 36.3°F 06:46 / 17:37 39
8 9.7 °C / 49.5°F 2.6°C / 36.7°F 06:46 / 17:38 41
9 9.9°C / 49.8°F 2.7°C / 36.9°F 06:45 / 17:39 48
10 10°C / 50°F 2.9 °C / 37.2°F 06:44 / 17:40 51
11 10.2°C / 50.4°F 3°C / 37.4°F 06:43 / 17:41 70
12 10.4°C / 50.7°F 3.1°C / 37.6°F 06:42 / 17:42 68
13 10.6 °C / 51.1°F 3.3°C / 37.9°F 06:42 / 17:43 78
14 10.7°C / 51.3°F 3.4°C / 38.1°F 06:41 / 17:43 45
15 10.9°C / 51.6°F 3.6 °C / 38.5°F 06:40 / 17:44 31
16 11°C / 51.8°F 3.7 °C / 38.7°F 06:39 / 17:45 38
17 11.2°C / 52.2°F 3.8°C / 38.8°F 06:38 / 17:46 36
18 11.4°C / 52.5°F 4°C / 39.2°F 06:37 / 17:47 41
19 11.5°C / 52.7°F 4.1°C / 39.4°F 06:36 / 17:48 60
20 11.6°C / 52.9°F 4.2 °C / 39.6°F 06:35 / 17:48 38
21 11.8°C / 53.2°F 4.4 °C / 39.9°F 06:34 / 17:49 46
22 11.9°C / 53.4°F 4.5 °C / 40.1°F 06:33 / 17:50 89
23 12.1 °C / 53.8°F 4.6 °C / 40.3°F 06:32 / 17:51 70
24 12.2 °C / 54°F 4.7 °C / 40.5°F 06:31 / 17:51 49
25 12.3 °C / 54.1°F 4.8 °C / 40.6°F 06:30 / 17:52 50
26 12.4°C / 54.3°F 5 °C / 41°F 06:29 / 17:53 50
27 12.6 °C / 54.7°F 5.1 °C / 41.2°F 06:28 / 17:54 46
28 12.7 °C / 54.9°F 5.2°C / 41.4°F 06:26 / 17:54 42
- Last updated on Jul. 13, 2022 -
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