Zhangjiakou Weather in February

In February, Zhangjiakou is still in the long-lasting winter weather. The temperature of Zhangjiakou in February is slightly higher than that in January, but the chill is still biting. Protecting yourself from cold and wind is still the most important thing for you to consider if you decide to visit Zhangjiakou during this time.

February is an ideal month for people to go snowboarding and enjoy the natural beauty covered by snow in Zhangjiakou. What’s more, taking a hot spring bath in cold climate is extraordinarily enjoyable for tourists as well.

Averages for Zhangjiakou Weather in February

Temperature: -4°C / 25°F
High Temperature: 2°C / 36°F
Low Temperature: -9°C / 16°F
Humidity: 39%
Rainfall: 3 mm
Rainy Days: 2 days
Sunrise: 06:56 ~ 07:31
Sunset: 17:38 ~ 18:10
Air Quality in February
Average AQI:59
Zhangjiakou Air Quality in February

What to Wear in Zhangjiakou in February

For the climate in February in Zhangjiakou, wearing general winter clothes with thermal clothing accessories like scarf, gloves and hat are suggested to people. For instance, you can wear winter coat, down coat, wool sweater, thermal underwear, down pants, padded trousers and snow boots.
Zhangjiakou Clothes in February February Wear in Zhangjiakou

Where to Go in Zhangjiakou in February

Enjoying a hot spring bath is no doubt a perfect choice in cold winter. Chicheng Hot Spring is the most famous hot spring in Zhangjiakou which should not be missed. Varied by different water temperatures and dissolved chemical substances, Chicheng Hot Springs is composed of six areas which are believed to cure different diseases, including eye, skin, stomach and respiratory diseases. Yixinyuan Hot Spring and Sanmafang Hot Spring are recommended as well.

The most preferred time to visit prairie is summer and autumn, but the snowscape of Zhangbei Grassland will never let you down. On the endless prairie, several trees stand there with the whole body covered by rime. Rivers are glaring with evaporated mist and the rolling silver hills are in the distance, waiting for your arrival.

Other Tips

The winter of Zhangjiakou is rather cold and dry. You’d better take enough moisturizer like Vaseline and apply it as often as needed to protect your skin from frostbite and cracking.

What is the temperature in Zhangjiakou in February?

High/Low Temperatures of Zhangjiakou in February
Temperatures Graph of Zhangjiakou in February
Air Quality of Zhangjiakou in February
Zhangjiakou AQI Graph in February

Historical Zhangjiakou Weather in February

Feb Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 -0.3°C / 31.4°F -11.3°C / 11.6°F 07:31 / 17:38 26
2 -0.1°C / 31.8°F -11.1°C / 12°F 07:30 / 17:39 19
3 0.1°C / 32.1°F -11°C / 12.2°F 07:29 / 17:40 37
4 0.3°C / 32.5°F -10.8°C / 12.5°F 07:28 / 17:42 49
5 0.5°C / 32.9°F -10.6°C / 12.9°F 07:27 / 17:43 38
6 0.7°C / 33.2°F -10.4°C / 13.2°F 07:26 / 17:44 30
7 0.9°C / 33.6°F -10.2°C / 13.6°F 07:25 / 17:45 41
8 1.1°C / 33.9°F -10°C / 14°F 07:24 / 17:47 49
9 1.3°C / 34.3°F -9.8°C / 14.3°F 07:23 / 17:48 60
10 1.6°C / 34.8°F -9.6°C / 14.7°F 07:21 / 17:49 35
11 1.8°C / 35.2°F -9.4°C / 15°F 07:20 / 17:50 38
12 2°C / 35.6°F -9.2°C / 15.4°F 07:19 / 17:51 39
13 2.2°C / 35.9°F -9°C / 15.8°F 07:18 / 17:53 34
14 2.4°C / 36.3°F -8.8°C / 16.1°F 07:16 / 17:54 25
15 2.6°C / 36.6°F -8.6°C / 16.5°F 07:15 / 17:55 52
16 2.8°C / 37°F -8.4°C / 16.8°F 07:14 / 17:56 45
17 3°C / 37.4°F -8.2°C / 17.2°F 07:12 / 17:57 18
18 3.2°C / 37.7°F -8°C / 17.6°F 07:11 / 17:59 30
19 3.4°C / 38.1°F -7.9°C / 17.7°F 07:10 / 18:00 34
20 3.6°C / 38.4°F -7.7°C / 18.1°F 07:08 / 18:01 24
21 3.8°C / 38.8°F -7.5°C / 18.5°F 07:07 / 18:02 61
22 4°C / 39.2°F -7.3°C / 18.8°F 07:05 / 18:03 69
23 4.2°C / 39.5°F -7.1°C / 19.2°F 07:04 / 18:04 60
24 4.4°C / 39.9°F -7°C / 19.4°F 07:02 / 18:06 66
25 4.6°C / 40.2°F -6.8°C / 19.7°F 07:01 / 18:07 70
26 4.8°C / 40.6°F -6.6°C / 20.1°F 06:59 / 18:08 72
27 5°C / 41°F -6.4°C / 20.4°F 06:58 / 18:09 65
28 5.2°C / 41.3°F -6.3°C / 20.6°F 06:56 / 18:10 50

- Last updated on Sep. 19, 2019 -
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