Shenzhen Weather in January

Still in winter, Shenzhen's weather in January is slightly cold and dry. The average temperature is about 20°C (68°F) in the day and 12°C (54°F) at night. It rarely rains in January with an average total precipitation of about 30mm. Almost every day is breezy. Although winter is short in Shenzhen, it may experience several cold spells.

Around January 1st, many parties and celebrations will be held in major scenic spots and mass public venues to mark the New Year, including concerts, acrobatic performances, carnivals, ice sculpture exhibitions and other celebrations. January sees the bustle and prosperity of the city. Walking in the crowd, travelers can view the city as true as it can be.

Averages for Shenzhen Weather in January

Temperature: 15°C / 59°F
High Temperature: 20°C / 68°F
Low Temperature: 12°C / 54°F
Humidity: 70%
Rainfall: 30 mm
Rainy Days: 6 days
Sunrise: 07:04 ~ 07:07
Sunset: 17:51 ~ 18:12
Air Quality in January
Average AQI:59
Shenzhen Air Quality in January

What to Wear in Shenzhen in January

Winter in Shenzhen is not very cold. One can wear a light T-shirt, jeans, suit, or sportswear. The temperature is lower at night; lined coat, windbreaker, jacket, or a light sweater is needed.

In case of a cold snap, travelers might bring a heavier coat.
Shenzhen Clothes in January January Wear in Shenzhen

Things to Do in Shenzhen in January

In January, a variety of flowers bloom, the beauty of the flowers in the parks is very enjoyable. Adorned by bauhinia, campanula, and plum blossom, the view of Shenzhen is enjoyed by many.

Plum blossom is a feature of Shenzhen; it attracts many people to sites where plums are planted. Lychee Park, Wutong Mountain, Central Park of Futian, Meilin Park, and Meilin Greenway are famous sites for admiring plum blossom.

Apart from admiring flowers, some theme parks are recommended, such as Windows of The World, Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town East, and Splendid China - Folk Culture Villages

Top 7 Things to Do in Shenzhen

Other Tips

The climate in Shenzhen during January may be changeable if cold air spreads, travelers should take care of themselves. Add clothes in time according to the temperature, drink warm water and keep a balanced diet.

What is the temperature in Shenzhen in January?

High/Low Temperatures of Shenzhen in January
Temperatures Graph of Shenzhen in January
Air Quality of Shenzhen in January
Shenzhen AQI Graph in January

Historical Shenzhen Weather in January

Jan Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 15°C / 59°F   9°C / 48°F 07:05 / 17:51 39
2 21°C / 70°F 13°C / 55°F 07:05 / 17:52 51
3 19°C / 66°F 11°C / 52°F 07:05 / 17:52 58
4 11°C / 52°F   9°C / 48°F 07:05 / 17:53 69
5 17°C / 63°F   8°C / 46°F 07:06 / 17:54 67
6 14°C / 57°F 10°C / 50°F 07:06 / 17:54 71
7 18°C / 64°F 11°C / 52°F 07:06 / 17:55 69
8 20°C / 68°F 13°C / 55°F 07:06 / 17:56 63
9 17°C / 63°F 12°C / 54°F 07:06 / 17:57 58
10 16°C / 61°F 11°C / 52°F 07:06 / 17:57 53
11 20°C / 68°F 13°C / 55°F 07:07 / 17:58 58
12 18°C / 64°F 12°C / 54°F 07:07 / 17:59 65
13 21°C / 70°F 13°C / 55°F 07:07 / 17:59 70
14 19°C / 66°F 11°C / 52°F 07:07 / 18:00 60
15 18°C / 64°F 12°C / 54°F 07:07 / 18:01 70
16 23°C / 73°F 13°C / 55°F 07:07 / 18:01 30
17 21°C / 70°F 13°C / 55°F 07:07 / 18:02 61
18 18°C / 64°F 12°C / 54°F 07:07 / 18:03 54
19 19°C / 66°F 11°C / 52°F 07:07 / 18:04 63
20 19°C / 66°F 14°C / 57°F 07:07 / 18:04 75
21 23°C / 73°F 17°C / 63°F 07:06 / 18:05 81
22 25°C / 77°F 17°C / 63°F 07:06 / 18:06 81
23 23°C / 73°F 17°C / 63°F 07:06 / 18:06 79
24 22°C / 72°F 16°C / 60°F 07:06 / 18:07 79
25 21°C / 70°F 15°C / 59°F 07:06 / 18:08 68
26 21°C / 70°F 15°C / 59°F 07:05 / 18:08 79
27 21°C / 70°F 14°C / 57°F 07:05 / 18:09 73
28 21°C / 70°F 13°C / 55°F 07:05 / 18:10 67
29 22°C / 72°F 15°C / 59°F 07:05 / 18:10 68
30 22°C / 72°F 16°C / 61°F 07:04 / 18:11 67
31 24°C / 75°F 16°C / 61°F 07:04 / 18:12 64
- Last updated on May. 31, 2022 -
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