Stunning Waterfall and Ancient Stilted Houses, Furong Town, originally known as Wang Village, gained fame through the movie titled Furong Town and was subsequently renamed Furong Town. This town boasts a rich history spanning over 2000 years, with its central area perched atop a towering mountain rock. At the base of the ancient town stands a breathtaking waterfall, measuring 60 meters in height and 40 meters in width, complemented by a Tujia stilt house in the backdrop, creating a uniquely captivating scenery.
Alley, Furong Town
Night Scene of Furong Town
Bronze Pillar of Xi Zhou (Xi Zhou Tong Zhu): A significant cultural relic for examining the ancient history of the Tujia people. In 940 AD, Chu King Ma Xifan and Xi Zhou governor Peng Shichou terminated their long-standing conflict and concluded a peace treaty. Visitors can gain insight into how the Bronze Pillar arrived at this location.
Wang Bridge: The Tujia ethnic group's typical wind and rain bridge is constructed entirely without the use of a single nail, showcasing the incredible skills of the Tujia ancestors. Another renowned example of such a bridge is the Chengyang Wind and Rain Bridge, located in the picturesque town of Sanjiang, near Guilin.
The performance and the night views: The performances of the ethnic minorities, coupled with the breathtaking night scenes, elevate this trip to an even more memorable experience.
Furong Town
The Performance at Furong Town