Mongolia Weather in April

Season: Spring

Mongolia, the land locked country between Russia and China, is one of the offbeat tourist destinations of the Asian continent. Steeped in the beauty of nature, the dynamic landscape of the country is mesmerizing and enchanting. Mongolia temperature in April ranges between -2°C to +22°C (28.4 – 71.6°F). While the mercury dips to during the night time, in the daytime the weather is comfortable enough (at least in the national capital).   Here is a detailed description of weather in Mongolia in April.

The month of April marks the continuation of the spring season, and the Mongolia weather in April is mostly windy. Occasional storms in the desert region can be expected. Since, most of the tourists prefer not to travel to the country during this time of the year, it is perfect time of the year for adventure seeker and offbeat travelers to plan a trip to the country.

What to Wear in Mongolia in April?

While packing the clothes to wear in Mongolia in April, remember the Mongolia weather in April can be stormy and windy from time to time. Tourists planning to visit the country during the season, need to carry waterproof windcheaters and sturdy shoes (preferably waterproof). Also, carrying quality sunglasses and masks for the trip is recommended.

April Travel Guide – Where to Go & Tips

Recommendation Rate: 

The spring is the month of new beginnings, and in Mongolia you can experience it in full bloom. Is April a good time to visit Mongolia? Yes, if you are an adventure seeker looking for an off-beat experience.

If you are planning to travel to Mongolia in April, then here are few of the places you can visit during the season:
 During the spring season, the Hustai National Park offers some of the prettiest sight of nature to eyes of the tourists. Also, referred as Khustai National Park, this park is located close to Ulaanbaatar (the national capital). The national park is part of preservation projects to reintroduce the wild Przewalski's horse. Tourists can stay at the tourist camps for an overnight trip.

 How to reach?
Tourists can take a road trip from Ulaanbaatar to reach Hustai base. Distance between the two points is around 82 km (51 mi). For the last leg of the journey, visitors can take a 13 km (8 mi) long dirt road to reach the destination. The entire trip can cost around US$ 25.
 Another popular tourist places close to the national capital, Ulaanbaatar, is the Gorkhi-Terelj National Park. Tourists who travel to Mongolia in April should make it a point to visit the park. During the spring, the entire region takes awakens from the gloom of winter to the spring. The place is a popular destination for horseback riding, trekking, or hiking in the region. Visitors can stay at the numerous tourist ger camps for an overnight adventure.

 How to reach?
From Ulaanbaatar tourists can take a car to reach the destination. The roads are paved, so the journey is comfortable enough for the tourists. Cabs might charge around US$ 20 for roundabout trip.

Some Tips for Travel to Mongolia in April

The Mongolia weather in April can change from time to time, so be prepared for the same. Also, pack in glasses, masks and jackets while packing.
- Last updated on May. 17, 2021 -
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