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How to Read Mongolia Train Tickets
There are three types of train tickets in Mongolia, the international tickets, domestic ticket and domestic train E ticket.
On the upper right corner, the category of the ticket is showed, indicating whether it is an adult ticket or a child ticket. Passenger’s personal information is in the below, including passport number, given names and surname with country code.
The items are listed in the first row of the table. The first item is departure date and departure time, the arrival date and time is showed in the right side. All times are local times.
This information is showed in the middle of the ticket. From is for departure station, To is for arrival station.
Generally speaking, in Mongolia, there is only one train station in each city, and the station is named after the city’s name. But there are several stations in Beijing and Moscow, the international train arrives at Beijing Railway station in Beijing and Yaroslavskiy Train station in Moscow.
Three seat classes are provided on international trains, 1/2, 1/4 and 2/4 cabins.
1/2 means two-sharing basis cabin, it is also called deluxe soft sleeper.
1/4 means four-sharing basis, known as soft sleeper.
2/4 is called hard sleeper. 4 passengers share a cabin with smaller space and bunk than those on 1/4 cabins.
In the third row of the table, the Train No., Carriage No., Berth No. is indicated. Moreover, you can find the location of your seat, a lower bunk or an upper bunk.
On the top of the ticket, the ticket No. is listed, followed by the departure and arrival stations, and then the departure date/ time and arrival date/ time. When you get the ticket, the most important is to check the travel date and travel route, to make it easier, we list the expression of the week days in Mongolia language.
Да=Monday, Мя= Tuesday, Лх = Wednesday
Пү =Thursday Ба = Friday, Бя = Saturday, Жо = Sunday.
The font of the Train No. is really small, followed the seat class. In Mongolia language. Тасалгаат refers to Second Class, Унтлагын means Hard Sleeper and Нийтийн is Hard Seat. The seat or berth No. is showed on right side of the table.
On the left side of the QR code, personal information, the category of the ticket and the issuing date is listed. The ticket price is at the bottom.
On the top of the ticket, the Ticket No. is showed in red. On the right side of the second row, passenger’s information is listed. The basic information of the train can be found from the third row, there are two calendar icons and two clock icons, the first series refer to departure date and time, while the second series mean arrival date and time. The Train No. is under the departure date.
International Ticket
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Mongolia International Train Ticket |
Category of Ticket
Departure and Arrival Date/ Time
Departure and Arrival Stations
Generally speaking, in Mongolia, there is only one train station in each city, and the station is named after the city’s name. But there are several stations in Beijing and Moscow, the international train arrives at Beijing Railway station in Beijing and Yaroslavskiy Train station in Moscow.
Seat Class
1/2 means two-sharing basis cabin, it is also called deluxe soft sleeper.
1/4 means four-sharing basis, known as soft sleeper.
2/4 is called hard sleeper. 4 passengers share a cabin with smaller space and bunk than those on 1/4 cabins.
Some other information
Mongolia Domestic Train Ticket
On the top of the ticket, the ticket No. is listed, followed by the departure and arrival stations, and then the departure date/ time and arrival date/ time. When you get the ticket, the most important is to check the travel date and travel route, to make it easier, we list the expression of the week days in Mongolia language.
Да=Monday, Мя= Tuesday, Лх = Wednesday
Пү =Thursday Ба = Friday, Бя = Saturday, Жо = Sunday.
Seat Class & Seat No.
Other Information on Ticket
Mongolia Domestic Train E Ticket
On the top of the ticket, the Ticket No. is showed in red. On the right side of the second row, passenger’s information is listed. The basic information of the train can be found from the third row, there are two calendar icons and two clock icons, the first series refer to departure date and time, while the second series mean arrival date and time. The Train No. is under the departure date.
- Last updated on Nov. 11, 2022 by Brenda Lian -